练习| BBC新闻:英国首相挺过对其领导能力的不信任投票

练习| BBC新闻:英国首相挺过对其领导能力的不信任投票




燕山大学 刘立军 编写




I'm Stuart Mackintosh with the BBC news, hello.


The British Prime Minister Theresa May has survived a vote of no confidence in her leadership of the governing Conservative Party. The Party's Members of Parliament backed her by 200 votes to 117 in a secret ballot. The BBC's Laura Kuenssberg has this assessment.


This was a clear result in favor of the Prime Minister, but also a clear picture of a party in conflicts and a result brokered only by a promise from Theresa May to go, if not just yet. She'll have now what a loyal minister described as a little more time. And yes Tory rules say that she can stay on undisturbed by the same kind of challenge for another twelve months. But while she is temporarily safer, Theresa May has less clout. A Prime Minister with a sell-by date holds less sway.


Adapted from www.tingclass.net




1. secret ballot n. 无记名投票;

2. broker v. to arrange the details of an agreement, especially between different countries 安排,协商(协议的细节,尤指在两国间)。例如:a peace plan brokered by the UN


3. clout n. power and influence 影响力;势力。例如:

l political / financial clout政治 / 经济势力

l I knew his opinion carried a lot of clout with them. 我知道他的观点对他们很有影响力。

4. sell-by date: the date printed on food packages, etc. after which the food must not be sold (食品等的)最迟销售日期;保质期。例如:

l This milk is past its sell-by date. 这牛奶已经过了销售期限。

l (figurative) These policies are way past their sell-by date. 这些政策早成老皇历了。

5. sway n. (literary) power or influence over sb. 统治;势力;支配;控制;影响。例如:

l Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island. 该岛很大一部分控制在叛军手里。

l He was quick to exploit those who fell under his sway. 他毫不犹豫地利用受他控制的那些人。




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


I'm Stuart Mackintosh with the BBC news, hello.


The British Prime Minister Theresa May has survived a vote of _______________ in her leadership of the governing Conservative Party. The Party's Members of Parliament backed her by _____________________________ in a secret ballot. The BBC's Laura Kuenssberg has this ___________________.


This was a clear result _____________________ the Prime Minister, but also a clear picture of a party ____________________ and a result brokered only by a ____________________ from Theresa May to go, if not just yet. She'll have now what a loyal minister described as ________________________. And yes Tory rules say that she can stay on undisturbed by the same kind of challenge for ____________________. But while she is ________________ safer, Theresa May has less clout. A Prime Minister with a sell-by date holds ________________.




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


I'm Stuart Mackintosh with the BBC news, hello.


The British Prime Minister Theresa May has survived a vote of no confidence in her leadership of the governing Conservative Party. The Party's Members of Parliament backed her by 200 votes to 117 in a secret ballot. The BBC's Laura Kuenssberg has this assessment.


This was a clear result in favor of the Prime Minister, but also a clear picture of a party in conflicts and a result brokered only by a promise from Theresa May to go, if not just yet. She'll have now what a loyal minister described as a little more time. And yes Tory rules say that she can stay on undisturbed by the same kind of challenge for another twelve months. But while she is temporarily safer, Theresa May has less clout. A Prime Minister with a sell-by date holds less sway.


  • 字数:50个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2019-03-07