练习 | AP News一分钟新闻:“时代周刊” 揭晓年度人物

练习 |  AP News一分钟新闻:“时代周刊” 揭晓年度人物


AP News一分钟新闻:时代周刊揭晓年度人物


燕山大学 刘立军 编写




This is AP News Minute.


Time magazine has named 4 journalists and a newspaper as its 2018 "Person of the Year" for standing up for the truth in the face of persecution and violence. The group, which Time calls "the guardians" includes slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


President Donald Trump meets Tuesday at the White House with presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer as they try to avoid a partial government shutdown amid a dispute over Trump's promised border wall.


Cities across the southeast are still digging out from the massive snowstorm that hit the region Sunday. Many schools are closed for a second day. Thousands are still without power.


A 102-year-old woman from Australia has broken the record for the oldest skydiver in the world when she jumped from 14,000 feet Sunday to raise money for motor neuron disease.


Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201812/573319.shtml




1. persecute v. persecute sb. (for sth.) to treat sb. in a cruel and unfair way, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs (因种族、宗教或政治信仰)迫害,残害,压迫。例如: Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs. 人们因宗教信仰而受迫害的情况贯穿了整个历史。

2. presumptive adj. (technical 术语) likely to be true, based on the facts that are available 很可能的;假设的;推断的

3. skydiving n. a sport in which you jump from a plane and fall for as long as you safely can before opening your parachute 延缓张伞跳伞运动;特技跳伞运动。例如:to go skydiving进行特技跳伞 skydiver做空中造型动作的跳伞运动员




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


This is AP News Minute.


Time magazine has named 4 journalists and a newspaper as its 2018 "Person of the Year" for standing up for the _______________ in the face of ___________________________. The group, which Time calls "the guardians" includes slain Saudi ________________ Jamal Khashoggi.


President Donald Trump meets Tuesday at the White House with presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer as they try to avoid a partial government __________________ amid a ____________________ over Trump's promised border wall.


Cities across the southeast are still digging out from the massive ________________ that hit the region Sunday. Many schools are closed for a second day. Thousands are still ______________.


A 102-year-old ____________________ from Australia has broken the record for the oldest ________________________ in the world when she jumped from 14,000 feet Sunday to ___________________________ for motor neuron disease.




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


This is AP News Minute.


Time magazine has named 4 journalists and a newspaper as its 2018 "Person of the Year" for standing up for the truth in the face of persecution and violence. The group, which Time calls "the guardians" includes slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


President Donald Trump meets Tuesday at the White House with presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer as they try to avoid a partial government shutdown amid a dispute over Trump's promised border wall.


Cities across the southeast are still digging out from the massive snowstorm that hit the region Sunday. Many schools are closed for a second day. Thousands are still without power.


A 102-year-old woman from Australia has broken the record for the oldest skydiver in the world when she jumped from 14,000 feet Sunday to raise money for motor neuron disease.

  • 字数:58个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2019-01-03