练习 | BBC新闻:欧盟领导人就移民问题达成协议

练习 | BBC新闻:欧盟领导人就移民问题达成协议


燕山大学 刘立军 编写

Hello,I'm Neil Nunes with the BBC news.

European Union leaders have reached an agreement on migration policy after nearly ten hours of talks at the summit in Brussels. The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who heads the new right-wing government in Rome, had threatened to veto a communique at the end of the summit unless his country was offered an acceptable deal on migration. EU leaders have indicated that Italy and Greece, where most migrants arrive, will be able to set up migrant centers on their soil on a voluntary basis. Emerging from the talks, the British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed what had been agreed. We have come to positive conclusions, a lot of them around what the United Kingdom has been encouraging for some time, which is taking more action upstream in countries of origin so that we can ensure that people aren't having to make and aren't making these very dangerous journeys, often travelling many miles, often at the hands of the people smugglers and making the dangerous trips across the Mediterranean where we still see some people dying.


1. communiqué n. an official statement or report, especially to newspapers (尤指对报界发布的)公报
2. upstream adv. upstream (of/from sth.) along a river, in the opposite direction to the way in which the water flows 向(或在)上游;逆流。例如:The nearest town is about ten miles upstream. 最近的城镇大约在沿河向上十英里处。 downstream
3. smuggler n. a person who takes goods into or out of a country illegally 走私者


Read the table. Then listen to the news and complete the table.

Main idea

European Union leaders have reached an agreement on (Q1) ___________________________ after nearly ten hours of talks at the (Q2)_____________________ in Brussels.


Opinion from Italy

The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who heads the new right-wing government in Rome, had threatened to (Q3) ____________ a communique at the end of the summit unless his country was offered (Q4) ______________________________ on migration.


Opinion from the EU

EU leaders have indicated that (Q5) ________________________, where most migrants arrive, will be able to set up (Q6)______________________ on their soil on a voluntary basis.


Opinion from the UK

Emerging from the talks, the British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed what had been agreed. We have come to (Q7) _______________________, a lot of them around what the United Kingdom has been encouraging for some time, which is taking more action upstream in countries of origin so that we can ensure that people aren't having to make and aren't making these very (Q8) ______________________________, often travelling many miles, often at the hands of the (Q9) _______________________ and making the dangerous trips across the Mediterranean where we still see some people (Q10) _____________________.



Read the table. Then listen to the news and complete the table.

Main idea

European Union leaders have reached an agreement on (Q1)migration policy after nearly ten hours of talks at the (Q2) summit in Brussels.


Opinion from Italy

The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who heads the new right-wing government in Rome, had threatened to (Q3) veto a communique at the end of the summit unless his country was offered (Q4) an acceptable deal on migration.


Opinion from the EU

EU leaders have indicated that (Q5) Italy and Greece, where most migrants arrive, will be able to set up (Q6) migrant centers on their soil on a voluntary basis.


Opinion from the UK

Emerging from the talks, the British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed what had been agreed. We have come to (Q7) positive conclusions, a lot of them around what the United Kingdom has been encouraging for some time, which is taking more action upstream in countries of origin so that we can ensure that people aren't having to make and aren't making these very (Q8) dangerous journeys, often travelling many miles, often at the hands of the (Q9) people smugglers and making the dangerous trips across the Mediterranean where we still see some people (Q10) dying.


  • 字数:63个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-08-29