练习 | AP News一分钟新闻:英国外交大臣辞职

练习 | AP News一分钟新闻:英国外交大臣辞职


AP News一分钟新闻:英国外交大臣辞职

燕山大学 刘立军 编写


This is AP News Minute.

Officials in Thailand say divers have rescued four more boys from a flooded cave, and say that all four are getting care in the hospital. That means a total of eight has been rescued from the cave so far with five more people still to go.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's resignation over Brexit negotiations, the second such resignation in just two days, has shaken the government of Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. Johnson is accusing May of flying "white flags" in the negotiations with the European Union.

Indiana's Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill is rejecting calls to step down amid accusations he inappropriately touched a lawmaker as well as several other women. Hill said he had been treated unfairly and he asked for, in his words, a fair investigation.

Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein was back in court Monday, pleading not guilty to new sexual assault charges. The alleged victim is the third against Weinstein in the criminal case. He denies all accusations.

Ned Barker, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.

Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201807/558902.shtml


1. resignation n. the act of giving up your job or position; the occasion when you do this 辞职。例如:
a letter of resignation辞职信
There were calls for her resignation from the board of directors. 有人要求她辞去董事会中的职务。
Further resignations are expected. 预计还会有人辞职。
2. white flag: a sign that you accept defeat and wish to stop fighting 白旗(承认失败并愿意停战的标志)。例如:to raise/show/wave the white flag举起 / 打出 / 摇动白旗
3. attorney n. (especially North American English) a lawyer, especially one who can act for sb. in court 律师(尤指代表当事人出庭者)
4. plead v. to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime (在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护。例如:to plead guilty / not guilty认罪;不认罪


Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

Q1. How many boys have been rescued from the cave thus far?
 A. 4. 
 B. 5. 
 C. 8.  
 D. 9.

Q2. What’s the result of the British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's resignation?
 A. It makes the European Union fly "white flags" in the negotiations with Boris Johnson.
 B. It makes the European Union fly "white flags" in the negotiations with Theresa May.
 C. It makes Theresa May fly "white flags" in the negotiations with the European Union.
 D. It has shaken the government of Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May.

Q3. Who asked for a fair investigation?
 A. Boris Johnson.
 B. Curtis Hill.
 C. Harvey Weinstein.
 D. Theresa May.

Q4. Who denies all accusations?
 A. Harvey Weinstein.
 B. Curtis Hill.
 C. Boris Johnson.
 D. Theresa May.


 Q1. C. 细节题。命题出处:Officials in Thailand say divers have rescued four more boys from a flooded cave, and say that all four are getting care in the hospital. That means a total of eight has been rescued from the cave so far with five more people still to go.

 Q2. D. 推断题。命题出处:British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's resignation over Brexit negotiations, the second such resignation in just two days, has shaken the government of Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. Johnson is accusing May of flying "white flags" in the negotiations with the European Union.

 Q3. B. 细节题。命题出处:Indiana's Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill is rejecting calls to step down amid accusations he inappropriately touched a lawmaker as well as several other women. Hill said he had been treated unfairly and he asked for, in his words, a fair investigation.

 Q4. A. 细节题。命题出处:Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein was back in court Monday, pleading not guilty to new sexual assault charges. The alleged victim is the third against Weinstein in the criminal case. He denies all accusations.

  • 字数:69个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-08-29