练习 | AP News一分钟新闻:特朗普访英

练习 | AP News一分钟新闻:特朗普访英


AP News一分钟新闻:特朗普访英

燕山大学 刘立军 编写


This is AP News Minute.

President Trump is spending Friday in Britain, where he'll meet with Prime Minister Theresa May. Trump tells the British newspaper "The Sun" that Britain could benefit from leaving the European Union but says May is ruining it. Trump also says he feels unwelcome in London because of protests there. On Friday, demonstrators flew a giant balloon that depicts Trump as an angry baby in a diaper outside Parliament.

Police north of Denver say a flatbed truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a school bus. Up to 27 people went to hospitals. Officials say none of the injuries appear to be life-threatening.

And adult film star Stormy Daniels performed again in Columbus, Ohio, one night after she was arrested there. Charges were dropped and the Columbus police chief called the arrest a mistake.

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.

Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201807/559431.shtml


1. protest n. protest (against sth.) the expression of strong disagreement with or opposition to sth.; a statement or an action that shows disapproval 抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对。例如:

The director resigned in protest at the decision. 主任辞职以示抗议这项决定。

The announcement raised a storm of protest. 这个声明引起了一场抗议风潮。

a protest march抗议游行

She accepted the charge without protest. 她一声未吭地接受了指控。

The workers staged a protest against the proposed changes in their contracts. 工人们进行抗议,反对拟议中的对他们合同的修改。

The building work will go ahead, despite protests from local residents. 尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样进行。

The riot began as a peaceful protest. 暴乱是从一场和平抗议开始的。

2. demonstrator n. a person who takes part in a public meeting or march in order to protest against sb. / sth. or to show support for sb. / sth. (集会或游行的)示威者

3. depict v. to describe sth. in words, or give an impression of sth. in words or with a picture 描写;描述;刻画。例如:

The novel depicts French society in the 1930s. 这部小说描述了20世纪30年代的法国社会。

The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive. 这些广告把吸烟描绘得充满魅力和吸引力。

4. diaper n. (婴儿的) 尿布,尿片 A diaper is a piece of soft towel or paper, which you fasten round a baby's bottom in order to soak up its urine and faeces. 例如:He never changed her diapers, never bathed her. 他从未给她换过尿布,从未给她洗过澡。

5. Parliament: the parliament of the United Kingdom, consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords 英国议会(包括下议院和上议院)。例如:

a Member of Parliament议会议员

the issue was debated in Parliament议会就这个问题进行了辩论。

an Act of Parliament议会法案

to win a seat in Parliament赢得议会中的一个席位

to be elected to Parliament当选为议会议员

6. flatbed n. ( also flatbed truck, flatbed trailer) (especially North American English) an open truck or trailer without high sides, used for carrying large objects 平板车;平板拖车


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

This is AP News Minute.

President Trump is spending Friday in Britain, where he'll meet with Prime Minister Theresa May. Trump tells the British newspaper "The Sun" that Britain could (Q1) __________________________ but says May is (Q2) ___________________ it. Trump also says he feels (Q3) __________________ in London because of (Q4) _______________________ there. On Friday, demonstrators flew a giant balloon that depicts Trump as (Q5) _________________________ in a diaper outside Parliament.

Police north of Denver say a flatbed truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into (Q6) __________________________________. Up to 27 people went to (Q7) _______________. Officials say none of the (Q8) _____________________ appear to be life-threatening.

And adult film star Stormy Daniels performed again in Columbus, Ohio, one night after she was arrested there. (Q9) ___________________________ were dropped and the Columbus police chief called the arrest a (Q10) ______________________.

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

This is AP News Minute.

President Trump is spending Friday in Britain, where he'll meet with Prime Minister Theresa May. Trump tells the British newspaper "The Sun" that Britain could (Q1) benefit from leaving the European Union but says May is (Q2) ruining it. Trump also says he feels (Q3) unwelcome in London because of (Q4) protests there. On Friday, demonstrators flew a giant balloon that depicts Trump as (Q5) an angry baby in a diaper outside Parliament.

Police north of Denver say a flatbed truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into (Q6) a school bus. Up to 27 people went to (Q7) hospitals. Officials say none of the (Q8) injuries appear to be life-threatening.

And adult film star Stormy Daniels performed again in Columbus, Ohio, one night after she was arrested there. (Q9) Charges were dropped and the Columbus police chief called the arrest a (Q10) mistake.

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.

  • 字数:54个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-08-29