练习 | AP News:英国凯特王妃入院待产

练习 | AP News:英国凯特王妃入院待产


AP News一分钟新闻:英国凯特王妃入院待产

燕山大学 刘立军 编写

This is AP News Minute.

Nashville police, Tennessee state troopers and federal agents search for waffle house shooting suspect Travis Reinking on Monday. Reinking is suspected of killing four people in a waffle house restaurant early Sunday.

President Trump's pick for Secretary of State may not have enough votes to get through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The committee is expected to vote on Mike Pumpeo's nomination on Monday. He is currently CIA director.

China says a large number of Chinese tourists were killed and many more injured in a traffic accident in North Korea. More than 30 people died in the accident south of Pyongyang.

And British royal officials confirm that Prince William's wife Kate has checked into a London hospital in labor on Monday. The royal couple already has two children.

Shirley Smith, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.


1. state trooper n. (North Amercian English) (in the US) a member of a State police force (美国)州警察

2. in labor: giving birth 临产


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

This is AP News Minute.

Nashville police, Tennessee (Q1) ________________________________ search for waffle house shooting suspect Travis Reinking on Monday. Reinking is suspected of (Q2) _________________ in a waffle house restaurant early Sunday.

President Trump's pick for Secretary of State may not (Q3) ________________________to get through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The committee (Q4) ____________________ on Mike Pumpeo's (Q5) _________________________ on Monday. He is currently CIA director.

China says a large number of Chinese (Q6) ____________________ were killed and many more injured in a (Q7) ____________________________ in North Korea. More than (Q8) _______ people died in the accident south of Pyongyang.

And British royal officials confirm that Prince William's wife Kate (Q9) ______________________ a London hospital in labor on Monday. The royal couple already has (Q10) ____________ children.

Shirley Smith, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

This is AP News Minute.

Nashville police, Tennessee (Q1) state troopers and federal agents search for waffle house shooting suspect Travis Reinking on Monday. Reinking is suspected of (Q2) killing four people in a waffle house restaurant early Sunday.

President Trump's pick for Secretary of State may not (Q3) have enough votes to get through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The committee (Q4) is expected to vote on Mike Pumpeo's (Q5) nomination on Monday. He is currently CIA director.

China says a large number of Chinese (Q6) tourists were killed and many more injured in a (Q7) traffic accident in North Korea. More than (Q8) 30 people died in the accident south of Pyongyang.

And British royal officials confirm that Prince William's wife Kate (Q9) has checked into a London hospital in labor on Monday. The royal couple already has (Q10) two children.

Shirley Smith, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.

  • 字数:64个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-05-28