练习 | CNN 新闻:Hygiene Connects You to Your Sense of Dignity

练习 | CNN 新闻:Hygiene Connects You to Your Sense of Dignity


CNN 新闻:Hygiene connects you to your sense of dignity

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


Next story today. Like many major cities worldwide, the historic U.S. port city of San Francisco, California, has thousands of homeless people living on the streets. And that`s despite the fact that local officials have taken a number of steps to help them.

In 2013, Doniece Sandoval joined those efforts. She started by turning old city buses in the places where those in need can get towels, hygiene kits, razors and a shower. Today, she`s a CNN Hero.


DONIECE SANDOVAL, CNN HERO: San Francisco is one of the most beautiful places to live. However, you will see thousands upon thousands of people who are living and sleeping on our streets. Every person I saw was struggling with hygiene.

If you were trying to apply for a job, or apply for housing, you can`t do that if you can`t get yourself cleaned. So, it`s simple, but it`s critical.

Taking action was not even a choice at that point. It`s just something I had to do.

We began by converting busses into showers and toilets. To increase our efficiency, we decided to switch to the mobile, commercial shower trailer units so that we can get them out there faster and meet need more effectively.

By virtue of being mobile, we`re able to go into different regions of the city where people are.

Are you looking to sign up for the shower?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) three. Steve, one. We`re good to go.

SANDOVAL: These are people who get turned away often, who get treated poorly and our ideas just to open our arms and we`ve expanded our programming to include pop-up care villages, which bring a ton of providers to the street to provide everything from haircuts to medical services.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You needed a hygiene kit.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There you go, Walter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Thanks.

SANDOVAL: Hygiene connects you to your sense of dignity.


SANDOVAL: There are countless success stories that we witness over the years, people getting employed and finding housing, or overcoming addictions.

Thank you, Paul. Have a good shower.

The work that we do matters and is making a difference.

Adapted from 卫生与尊严有关


1. hygiene kits 卫生用品
  hygiene n. (不可数名词) the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease 卫生。例如:
○food hygiene食品卫生
○personal hygiene个人卫生
○In the interests of hygiene, please wash your hands. 为了卫生,请洗手。

2. convert v. convert (sth.) (from sth.) (into /to sth.) to change or make sth. change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another (使)转变,转换,转化。
○(动词 + 名词短语)。例如:The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home. 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。
○(单独使用的动词)。例如:We've converted from oil to gas central heating. 我们已经把中央供热系统由燃油改成了燃气。

3. by virtue of sth. : (formal) by means of or because of sth. 凭借;依靠;由于;因为。例如:She got the job by virtue of her greater experience. 她由于经验较为丰富而得到了那份工作。

4. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to / in sb. / sth.): to have an effect / no effect on sb. / sth. 有(或没有、有些等)作用,关系,影响。例如:
○The rain didn't make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没多大影响。
○Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not. 你能否得到这工作应该与你的年龄无关。
○Changing schools made a big difference to my life. 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。
○What difference will it make if he knows or not? 他知不知道有什么关系吗?
○I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). 我认为颜色无关紧要。
○‘Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? ' ‘It makes no difference (to me). '“我们星期五还是星期六去?”“我无所谓。”

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Next story today. Like many major cities worldwide, the historic U.S. port city of San Francisco, California, has thousands of (Q1) ________________________living on the streets. And that`s despite the fact that local officials have taken a number of steps to help them.
In 2013, Doniece Sandoval joined those efforts. She started by (Q2) _________________________ in the places where those in need can get towels, hygiene kits, razors and a shower. Today, she`s a CNN Hero.
DONIECE SANDOVAL, CNN HERO: San Francisco is one of the most beautiful places to live. However, you will see thousands upon thousands of people who are living and sleeping on our streets. Every person I saw was struggling with (Q3) ________________________.
If you were trying to (Q4) __________________________, or apply for housing, you can`t do that if you can`t get yourself cleaned. So, it`s simple, but it`s (Q5) ______________________.
Taking action was not even a choice at that point. It`s just something I had to do.
We began by (Q6) ________________________________________________. To increase our efficiency, we decided to switch to the mobile, commercial shower trailer units so that we can get them out there faster and meet need more effectively.
(Q7) ___________________________ being mobile, we`re able to go into different regions of the city where people are.
Are you looking to sign up for the shower?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) three. Steve, one. We`re good to go.
SANDOVAL: These are people who get turned away often, who get treated poorly and our ideas just to open our arms and we`ve expanded our programming to include pop-up care villages, which bring a ton of providers to the street to provide everything (Q8) ________________________________.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You needed a hygiene kit.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There you go, Walter.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Thanks.
SANDOVAL: Hygiene connects you to your sense of dignity.
SANDOVAL: There are countless success stories that we witness over the years, people getting employed and finding housing, or (Q9) ____________________________________.
Thank you, Paul. Have a good shower.
The work that we do matters and is (Q10) ________________________________.


Next story today. Like many major cities worldwide, the historic U.S. port city of San Francisco, California, has thousands of (Q1) homeless people living on the streets. And that`s despite the fact that local officials have taken a number of steps to help them.
In 2013, Doniece Sandoval joined those efforts. She started by (Q2) turning old city buses in the places where those in need can get towels, hygiene kits, razors and a shower. Today, she`s a CNN Hero.
DONIECE SANDOVAL, CNN HERO: San Francisco is one of the most beautiful places to live. However, you will see thousands upon thousands of people who are living and sleeping on our streets. Every person I saw was struggling with (Q3) hygiene.
If you were trying to (Q4) apply for a job, or apply for housing, you can`t do that if you can`t get yourself cleaned. So, it`s simple, but it`s (Q5) critical.
Taking action was not even a choice at that point. It`s just something I had to do.
We began by (Q6) converting busses into showers and toilets. To increase our efficiency, we decided to switch to the mobile, commercial shower trailer units so that we can get them out there faster and meet need more effectively.
(Q7) By virtue of being mobile, we`re able to go into different regions of the city where people are.
Are you looking to sign up for the shower?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) three. Steve, one. We`re good to go.
SANDOVAL: These are people who get turned away often, who get treated poorly and our ideas just to open our arms and we`ve expanded our programming to include pop-up care villages, which bring a ton of providers to the street to provide everything (Q8) from haircuts to medical services.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You needed a hygiene kit.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There you go, Walter.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Thanks.
SANDOVAL: Hygiene connects you to your sense of dignity.
SANDOVAL: There are countless success stories that we witness over the years, people getting employed and finding housing, or (Q9) overcoming addictions.
Thank you, Paul. Have a good shower.
The work that we do matters and is (Q10) making a difference.

  • 字数:134个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 宋葳 2018-03-29