练习丨FOX新闻: 带孩子谨防顾此失彼

练习丨FOX新闻: 带孩子谨防顾此失彼

FOX新闻: 带孩子谨防顾此失彼(带练习)

FOX新闻: 带孩子谨防顾此失彼
燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


Fox on Family. Raising kids is a busy life: "We as parents, we're overly productive, we want to cram everything in. We're constantly working, thinking, we rarely stop to rest and we're rarely satisfied."

So how do we slow down? Business owner, author and mother-of-three Angela Nuttle, says it's a process: "When we're choosing to stay busy like that, we're actually choosing to value one thing over another."

Nuttle was working as a defense contractor in Iraq when her dad called on Father's Day to say he loved her and she said she'd call him back another time. But they never spoke again. A few days later he was killed in a car accident: "That's a hard way to learn a lesson, but it's one that made me step back and rethink my values and what was important."

Nuttle also says a just shift in pace can feel like downtime; for her, a break from work to take her daughter for ice cream, a journal can help. Jot down what you do every, put a heart next to the most meaningful, and then set a goal of more hearts.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.

Adapted from FOX新闻: 带孩子谨防顾此失彼


1. cram in: (packed, crammed, etc.) like sardines, (informal) pressed tightly together in a way that is uncomfortable or unpleasant 拥挤不堪;挤得水泄不通
2. slow down: (使) 放慢; (使)减速 If something slows down or is if something slows it down, it starts to move or happen more slowly. 例如:
The car slowed down as they passed Customs. 过海关的时候,车速慢了下来。
There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development. 尽管药物可以减缓病情的发展,但是这种病仍然是不治之症。
3. defense contractor: 国防承包商
4. jot down: to write sth. quickly 草草记下;匆匆记下。例如:I'll just jot down the address for you.
5. downtime n. (especially North American English) the time when sb. stops working and is able to relax 停工;休息。例如:Everyone needs a little downtime. 大家都需要休息一下。

Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question.

Why did Angela Nuttle and her father never speak again?
A Her father was killed in a car accident in America.
B Her father was killed in a car accident in Iraq.
C Her father refused to speak with her because of a car accident in America.
D Her father refused to speak with her because of a car accident in Iraq.

Which of the following statements was not given by Angela Nuttle?
A We as parents, we're overly productive and want to cram everything in.
B When we're choosing to stay busy like that, we're actually choosing to value one thing over another.
C A just shift in pace can make parents feel like downtime.
D Raising kids is a busy life. 

A。命题出处:Nuttle was working as a defense contractor in Iraq when her dad called on Father's Day to say he loved her and she said she'd call him back another time. But they never spoke again. A few days later he was killed in a car accident.

D。Raising kids is a busy life. 这句话是播音员讲的,不是Angela Nuttle的观点。

  • 字数:60个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 宋葳 2018-01-22