


燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写

Fox on love, with Ashley Papa. How we think about dating in our teens and 20's is a lot different than in our 30's and 40's. Different age group - different “love” mindset, says relationship coach and podcast host, who goes by the name G-Fem, who's observed a pattern in relationship views: “Age 18 through 23, this first category is less concerned about serious relationship or dating a serious individual.” G-Fem says this group is about having fun and isn't thinking long term relationships.

The mindset seems to change towards your late 20's: “27 to 31, they have gone through some bad relationships. They are wiser, learned a little about the other sex and can easily describe who their ideal partner should be. In other words, they're thinking more about the long-term.” “31 to 35, they are avid lovers of everything about relationships (books, seminars, movies, radio/TV programs). They know who they want and who they don't want.”

By 40, it's all about marriage and finally settling down, if they haven't yet.

With FOX on Love, I'm Ashley Papa.

1. mindset n. a set of attitudes or fixed ideas that sb. has and that are often difficult to change 观念模式;思维倾向。例如:
a conservative mindset保守的思维模式
the mindset of the computer generation计算机时代的思维倾向
2. avid a. very enthusiastic about sth. (often a hobby) 热衷的;酷爱的。例如:
an avid reader / collector酷爱阅读 / 收藏的人
She has taken an avid interest in the project (= she is extremely interested in it). 她对这个项目入了迷。
3. settle down: to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one place (在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活。例如:When are you going to get married and settle down? 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?

Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question.

Which age group is less concerned about serious relationships?
A Age 18 to 23.
B Age 27 to 31.
C Age 31 to 35. 
D Age 35 to 40. 

Which age group is thinking more about the long-term relationships?
A Age 18 to 23.
B Age 27 to 31.
C Age 31 to 35. 
D Age 35 to 40. 

Which age group knows who they want and who they don’t want?
A Age 18 to 23.
B Age 27 to 31.
C Age 31 to 35. 
D Age 35 to 40. 

A。命题出处: “Age 18 through 23, this first category is less concerned about serious relationship or dating a serious individual.”
B。命题出处:“27 to 31, they have gone through some bad relationships. They are wiser, learned a little about the other sex and can easily describe who their ideal partner should be. In other words, they're thinking more about the long-term.”
C。命题出处:“31 to 35, they are avid lovers of everything about relationships (books, seminars, movies, radio/TV programs). They know who they want and who they don't want.”

  • 字数:59个
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  • 来源:刘立军 宋葳 2018-01-22