练习 | BBC新闻:南极洲冰层下生存着未知种类的动植物

练习 | BBC新闻:南极洲冰层下生存着未知种类的动植物


燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写

BBC news with Debby Russ.

The International Red Cross says an estimated 1.2 million people have already been battered by hurricane Irma with many millions more still threatened. Haiti, and the Turks and Caicos Islands are the latest places to be hit by the storm which is one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane ever recorded. Cuba will be affected later on Friday while more than half a million people have been ordered to leave their homes in Florida before hurricane Irma hits the US States on Sunday.

Seven members of the Texas Emergency Services are suing a chemical factory rocked by explosions and fires last month after hurricane Harvey. Their lawyers alleged their negligence caused flammable materials to ignite after the Arkema plant near Houston was flooded.

Amnesty International has urged the United Nations to provide stronger protection for civilians in the Central African Republic following a wave of brutal attacks. People who fled violence in the district of Bascoto told Amnesty that the villages were being destroyed by a militant split group of a mainly Muslin alliance.

Security forces in Togo have fired teargas to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters in capital Lome. Police moved in following a second day of mass countrywide demonstrations demanding an end to the Gnassingbe family's 50 years in power.

Pope Francis has called for forgiveness during an open air mass for hundreds of worshippers in the Colombian capital Bogota. Colombia has come to terms with the Peace Accord that ended half of a century of conflicts with FARC rebels.

And the study of caves in Antarctica indicates that there may be unknown species of animals and plants living below the frozen surface. Scientists from the Australian National University discovered light conditions and temperatures of up to 25 Celsius in caves around Mount Erebus and an active volcano on Ross Island.

BBC news.

Adapted from 南极存在未知物种

1. batter v. (常用被动态) batter at/on sth. | batter sb./sth. to hit sb./sth. hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage 连续猛击;殴打
(单独使用的动词) 例如:
○She battered at the door with her fists. 她用双拳不断地擂门。
○He had been badly battered about the head and face. 他被打得鼻青脸肿。
○Somebody had battered her to death. 有人把她打死了。
○Severe winds have been battering the north coast. 狂风一直在北海岸肆虐。

2. disperse v. to move apart and go away in different directions; to make sb./sth. do this (使)分散,散开;疏散;驱散
(单独使用的动词) 例如:
○The fog began to disperse. 雾开始散了。
○The crowd dispersed quickly. 人群很快便散开了。
(动词 + 名词短语) 例如:
○Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas. 警察用催泪弹驱散了抗议者。

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

BBC news with Debby Russ.

The International Red Cross says an estimated 1. ____________________ people have already been battered by hurricane Irma with many millions more still threatened. Haiti, and the Turks and Caicos Islands are the latest places to be hit by the storm which is one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane ever recorded. Cuba will be affected later on Friday while more than 2. ______________ people have been ordered to leave their homes in Florida before hurricane Irma hits the US States on Sunday.

Seven members of the Texas Emergency Services are suing a chemical factory rocked by explosions and fires last month after hurricane Harvey. Their lawyers alleged their 3. ______________ caused flammable materials to ignite after the Arkema plant near Houston was flooded.

Amnesty International has urged the United Nations to provide 4. ________________________ for civilians in the Central African Republic following a wave of 5. _________________. People who fled violence in the district of Bascoto told Amnesty that the villages were being destroyed by a militant split group of a mainly Muslin alliance.

Security forces in Togo have fired 6. _____________________ to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters in capital Lome. Police moved in following a second day of mass countrywide 7. _____________________________ demanding an end to the Gnassingbe family's 50 years in power.
Pope Francis has called for 8. ______________________ during an open air mass for hundreds of worshippers in the Colombian capital Bogota. Colombia has come to terms with the Peace Accord that ended half of a century of conflicts with FARC rebels.

And the study of caves in Antarctica indicates that there may be unknown species of 9. ___________________________________ living below the frozen surface. Scientists from the Australian National University discovered light conditions and temperatures of up to 25 Celsius in caves around Mount Erebus and an 10. ______________________ on Ross Island.

BBC news.


BBC news with Debby Russ.

The International Red Cross says an estimated 1. 1.2 million people have already been battered by hurricane Irma with many millions more still threatened. Haiti, and the Turks and Caicos Islands are the latest places to be hit by the storm which is one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane ever recorded. Cuba will be affected later on Friday while more than 2. half a million people have been ordered to leave their homes in Florida before hurricane Irma hits the US States on Sunday.

Seven members of the Texas Emergency Services are suing a chemical factory rocked by explosions and fires last month after hurricane Harvey. Their lawyers alleged their 3. negligence caused flammable materials to ignite after the Arkema plant near Houston was flooded.

Amnesty International has urged the United Nations to provide 4. stronger protection for civilians in the Central African Republic following a wave of 5. brutal attacks. People who fled violence in the district of Bascoto told Amnesty that the villages were being destroyed by a militant split group of a mainly Muslin alliance.

Security forces in Togo have fired 6. teargas to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters in capital Lome. Police moved in following a second day of mass countrywide 7. demonstrations demanding an end to the Gnassingbe family's 50 years in power.

Pope Francis has called for 8. forgiveness during an open air mass for hundreds of worshippers in the Colombian capital Bogota. Colombia has come to terms with the Peace Accord that ended half of a century of conflicts with FARC rebels.

And the study of caves in Antarctica indicates that there may be unknown species of 9. animals and plants living below the frozen surface. Scientists from the Australian National University discovered light conditions and temperatures of up to 25 Celsius in caves around Mount Erebus and an 10. active volcano on Ross Island.

BBC news.
  • 字数:118个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-10-18