练习 | FOX新闻:全球新首富

练习 | FOX新闻:全球新首富


FOX新闻: 全球新首富诞生

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


Move over Bill Gates, there's a new top dog in town. It's Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. He's now claimed the title as World's Richest Man with a net worth of over $90 billion. Bezos' narrowly unseating Bill Gates for the top spot, this according to Forbes.

Shares of Amazon hitting fresh records and advancing over 40 percent this year, which in turn has propelled Bezos' growth of wealth.

Gates had been the reigning king since 2013 until giving up his crown to Bezos.

Hilarie Barsky, FOX News.

Adapted from 全球新首富


1. top dog n. (informal) a person, group or country that is better than all the others, especially in a situation that involves competition(尤指竞争中的)夺魁者,优胜者

2. unseat v. to remove sb. from a position of power 罢免;解除职务;赶下台

3. propel v. to move, drive or push sth. forward or in a particular direction 推动;驱动;推进。例如:He succeeded in propelling the ball across the line. 他成功地把球带过线。

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Move over Bill Gates, there's a new top dog in town. It's Jeff Bezos, _______________________ of Amazon. He's now claimed the ____________ as World's Richest Man with a net worth of _____________________. Bezos' _________________ unseating Bill Gates for the top spot, this according to Forbes.

_____________ of Amazon hitting ___________________ and advancing ____________ this year, which in turn has propelled Bezos' growth of __________________.

Gates had been the reigning king ___________________ until giving up his __________ to Bezos.


1. founder and CEO
2. title
3. over $90 billion
4. narrowly
6. fresh records
7. over 40 percent
8. wealth
9. since 2013
10. crown
  • 字数:30个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-09-25