练习 | BBC: 世界自行车首都阿姆斯特丹

练习 | BBC: 世界自行车首都阿姆斯特丹



燕山大学 刘立军 宋崴 编写


Bikes outnumber humans here. They say the cycling is in the Dutch DNA. So how did they achieve this utopia? Cycling is an egalitarian mode of transport. Roughly half of inner-city journeys are made on two wheels. You really feel like the streets belong to you. And that gives you a sense of freedom. An elaborate network of bike paths criss-cross the city. Segregated cycle lanes make people feel safer and reduce the risk of collision. Controversially it also means hardly anyone wears a helmet.

Zero air pollution. It's good for your health. Flexibility. Actually you get to see a lot of the city. There are approximately 10,000 bikes spots around the central train station alone. Being also cyclists, most drivers in Amsterdam know next time it might be them in the saddle. Even the famous Rijks museum accommodates bikes. You see the signs everywhere. The cyclist is king of the road.

Adapted from世界自行车首都阿姆斯特丹


1. utopia n. an imaginary place or state in which everything is perfect 乌托邦;空想的完美境界

2. egalitarian adj. based on, or holding, the belief that everyone is equal and should have the same rights and opportunities 主张人人平等的;平等主义的

3. saddle n. a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle (自行车或摩托车的)车座

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Bikes outnumber humans here. They say the _____________ is in the Dutch DNA. So how did they achieve this utopia? Cycling is an egalitarian mode of transport. Roughly half of inner-city journeys are made on _____________________________. You really feel like the streets belong to you. And that gives you a sense of ___________________. An ______________network of bike paths criss-cross the city. Segregated cycle lanes make people feel safer and reduce the risk of _____________________. Controversially it also means hardly anyone wears a __________.

Zero air pollution. It's good for your health. ________________. Actually you get to see a lot of the city. There are approximately 10,000 ______________________ around the central train station alone. Being also cyclists, most drivers in Amsterdam know next time it might be them in the saddle. Even the famous Rijks museum ___________________ bikes. You see the signs everywhere. The cyclist is ______________ of the road.


1. cycling
2. two wheels
3. freedom
4. elaborate
5. collision
6. helmet
7. Flexibility
8. bikes spots
9. accommodates
10. king

  • 字数:131个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-09-20