练习 | FOX新闻:特朗普政府出现动荡

练习 | FOX新闻:特朗普政府出现动荡




燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


President Trump's often combative Press Secretary Sean Spicer is out, resigning six months into the administration.

The decision appears to be connected at the appointment of the new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, a financier who has served as a surrogate for President Trump.

Before joining the White House, Spicer was a longtime communications chief at the Republican National Committee, serving with former RNC chairman and now White House chief of staff Reince Preibus.

In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Adapted from 特朗普政府出现动荡


1. combative adj. ready and willing to fight or argue 好战的;好斗的;好争论的。例如:in a combative mood/spirit斗志昂扬;锐气旺盛

2. surrogate adj. & n. (formal) used to describe a person or thing that takes the place of, or is used instead of, sb./sth. else 替代的;代用的。例如:She saw him as a sort of surrogate father. 在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。

Read the statements. Then listen to the news and check (√) the true or (×) false statements.

1. President Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer is out after working six months in the administration.

2. Anthony Scaramucci is the new White House communications director.

3. Anthony Scaramucci is a financier who is a surrogate for President Trump.

4. Sean Spicer used to be a longtime communications chief at the Republican National Committee.

5. Anthony Scaramucci used to serve with former RNC chairman and now White House chief of staff Reince Preibus.


√1. President Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer is out after working six months in the administration.

√2. Anthony Scaramucci is the new White House communications director.

√3. Anthony Scaramucci is a financier who is a surrogate for President Trump.

√4. Sean Spicer used to be a longtime communications chief at the Republican National Committee.

×5. Anthony Scaramucci used to serve with former RNC chairman and now White House chief of staff Reince Preibus.

  • 字数:28个
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  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-08-15