练习 | VOA:Nearly a Third of World Overweight

练习 | VOA:Nearly a Third of World Overweight



VOA: Study - Nearly a Third of World Overweight

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


A new study finds one third of the world's population is overweight or considered obese.
Since 1980, obesity rates in children and adults have doubled in 73 countries. And rates are increasing in many other countries, according to a report released on Monday.

The report was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Obesity is increasing faster in children than adults in many nations, including Algeria, Turkey and Jordan, the report said. But the world's weight problem is growing in both rich and poor countries alike.

Researchers say an increasing number of people are dying of related health problems in what they called a "disturbing global public health crisis."

About four million people died of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases linked to excess weight in 2015, according to the study.

"People who shrug off weight gain do so at their own risk," said Christopher Murray, one of the writers of the report.

Researchers studied health information from 1980 through 2015. They examined obesity rates, average weight gain and the cause of death in 195 countries. They found that obesity rates are three times greater among youth and young adults in countries like China, Brazil and India.

Almost 108 million children and more than 600 million adults were found to be obese. Together, that represents about 10 percent of the world's population.

Among the top 20 most populous countries in 2015, Egypt had the highest number of age-standardized obese adults. Vietnam had the least. In the same year, the United States had the highest number of obese children, and Bangladesh had the least.

Researchers say the extra weight people are carrying increases their risk of developing diabetes or other health problems.

Yet hunger remains a problem in many areas. The United Nations estimates that almost 800 million people, including 300 million children, go to bed hungry each night.

Experts said poor diets and lack of physical activity are mainly to blame for the rising numbers of overweight people.

Growing populations have led to rising obesity rates in poor countries. Often, poor people will eat processed foods instead of choosing a diet rich in vegetables.

"People are consuming more and more processed foods that are high in sugar and fat and exercising less," said Boitshepo Giyose, senior nutrition officer at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.

The London-based Overseas Development Institute studied the price of food in five countries: Britain, Brazil, China, Mexico and South Korea. It found that the cost of processed foods like ice cream and hamburgers has fallen since 1990. But the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables has gone up.

I'm Anne Ball.

Adapted from 全球近三分之一人口超重


1. cardiovascular adj. (medical 医) connected with the heart and the blood vessels (= the tubes that carry blood around the body) 心血管的

2. diabetes n. a medical condition caused by a lack of insulin , which makes the patient produce a lot of urine and feel very thirsty 糖尿病;多尿症

3. shrug off: to push sb. / sth. back or away with your shoulders 甩开;摆脱;抖落。例如:
○Kevin shrugged off his jacket. 凯文肩膀一抖,脱掉了夹克。
○She shrugged him away angrily. 她生气地甩开他。

4. populous adj. (formal) where a large number of people live 人口众多的;人口密集的。例如:
one of America's most populous states美国的人口大州之一

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

A new study finds one third of the world's population is overweight or considered obese.
Since 1980, ________________________ in _______________________ have doubled in 73 countries. And rates are increasing in many other countries, according to a report released on Monday.

The report was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Obesity is increasing faster in children than adults in many nations, including Algeria, Turkey and Jordan, the report said. But the world's ________________ is growing in ______________ countries alike.

Researchers say an increasing number of people are dying of ________________________ in what they called a "disturbing global public health crisis."

About four million people died of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases linked to __________________________ in 2015, according to the study.

"People who shrug off weight gain do so at their own risk," said Christopher Murray, one of the writers of the report.

Researchers studied health information from 1980 through 2015. They examined obesity rates, average weight gain and the cause of death in 195 countries. They found that obesity rates are _____________________ greater among youth and young adults in countries like China, Brazil and India.

Almost 108 million children and more than 600 million adults were found to be obese. Together, that represents about _____________________ of the world's population.

Among the top 20 most populous countries in 2015, Egypt had the highest number of age-standardized obese adults. Vietnam had the least. In the same year, the United States had the highest number of obese children, and Bangladesh had the least.

Researchers say the extra weight people are carrying increases their risk of developing ________ or ______________________________.

Yet ___________________ remains a problem in many areas. The United Nations estimates that almost 800 million people, including 300 million children, go to bed hungry each night.

Experts said ________________ and _________________________________ are mainly to blame for the rising numbers of overweight people.

______________________________ have led to rising obesity rates in poor countries. Often, poor people will eat ___________________ instead of ___________________________.

"People are consuming more and more processed foods that are ______________________ and ____________________," said Boitshepo Giyose, senior nutrition officer at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.

The London-based Overseas Development Institute studied the price of food in five countries: Britain, Brazil, China, Mexico and South Korea. It found that the cost of processed foods like ___________________________ has fallen since 1990. But the cost of __________________________________________has gone up.

I'm Anne Ball.


1. obesity rates
2. children and adults
3. weight problem
4. both rich and poor
5. related health problems
6. excess weight
7. three times
8. 10 percent
9. diabetes
10. other health problems
11. hunger
12. poor diets
13. lack of physical activity
14. Growing populations
15. processed foods
16. choosing a diet rich in vegetables
17. high in sugar and fat
18. exercising less
19. ice cream and hamburgers
20. fresh fruits and vegetables

  • 字数:311个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-09-18