练习 | VOA: How to Protect Yourself from Ransomware

练习 | VOA: How to Protect Yourself from Ransomware



VOA: How to Protect Yourself from 'Ransomware'

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


Last Friday, the largest cyberattack ever affected more than 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries. The attack used a virus that locked the computers' data. The attackers demanded payment to unlock the computers.

The virus, called WannaCry, infected computers in organizations including the British healthcare system, the American company FedEx and Russia’s Interior Ministry.

The learning English story, 'Ransomware' Affects Computers Worldwide explains more about the virus.

Although Friday's attack was stopped, the virus may soon return in a different form. It is important to learn about the virus and the steps you should take now to protect your data from future versions of WannaCry.

How the virus locked computers

WannaCry attacked computers that were connected to the Internet and used Windows operating systems. The systems affected had not yet been updated with a security patch that Microsoft released in March.

How WannaCry was blocked

A developer accidentally discovered a way to prevent WannaCry from spreading. He looked at the computer code and noticed that the virus was directing computers to a domain name. He checked on the domain name and discovered that it was available, so he bought it for less than $11. That simple move enabled a "kill switch" that prevented WannaCry from spreading further.

Unfortunately, the kill switch does not unlock computers that were already infected by the virus.

The developer has chosen to remain nameless but uses the Twitter account @malwaretechblog. He wrote a blog post that explains in detail how he happened to discover the kill switch for WannaCry. The post is called How to Accidentally Stop a Global Cyber Attack.

But we are not safe yet

This cyberattack used a security hole that still exists for computers running older versions of Windows. Computers running Windows 10 that have not yet installed the update are also at risk.

The virus may attack again. All the hackers have to do to launch a new cyberattack is to change the domain name in WannaCry, then release the updated virus.

How to protect your data against future cyberattacks

You can protect yourself against future cyberattacks. Make sure to download the latest Windows security patch to your computer. Microsoft, the maker of Windows, has now released security patches for older versions of Windows that give protection against WannaCry.

For help, visit Microsoft’s page called “How to Keep Your Windows Computer Up-to-date.”

Permit automatic Windows updates if you do not want to worry about keeping your computer updated.

Also, make sure that you save, or back up your data. Do regular backups of your data, both locally with an external drive and in the Cloud. That way you can protect your data when another cyberattack takes place.

Be sure not to click on links or download attachments in emails unless you are sure that they are not "phishing" emails from hackers. Although the WannaCry virus attack did not happen this way, others have happened this way in the past.

I'm Caty Weaver.

Adapted from如何预防勒索软件


1.cyberattack n. 网络攻击

2.virus n. a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease in people, animals and plants 病毒;滤过性病毒。例如:
○ the flu virus流感病毒
○ a virus infection病毒感染

3.security patch 安全补丁

4.domain name: (computing 计) a name which identifies a website or group of websites on the Internet 域名

5.phishing n. the activity of tricking people by getting them to give their identity, bank account numbers, etc. over the Internet or by email, and then using these to steal money from them 网络诱骗(通过互联网或电邮骗取他人身份证件、银行账号等以盗取金钱)

6.ransomware n. 勒索软件,敲诈软件

Read the table. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks of the table with the words you hear.




How the virus locked computers

WannaCry attacked computers that _________________________ and __________________________. The systems affected had not yet been updated with _________________ that Microsoft released in March.


How WannaCry was blocked

A developer accidentally discovered a way to prevent WannaCry from spreading.

He looked at the computer code and noticed that the virus was directing computers to ________________________. He checked on the domain name and discovered that it was available, so he bought it for less than $11. That simple move enabled a "kill switch" that prevented WannaCry from _________________. Unfortunately, the kill switch does not unlock computers that were already infected by the virus. 

The developer has chosen to ___________________ but uses the Twitter account @malwaretechblog. He wrote a blog post that explains in detail how he happened to discover the kill switch for WannaCry. The post is called ______________________________________________.


But we are not safe yet

This cyberattack used ________________ that still exists for computers running ____________________ of Windows.

Computers running Windows 10 that have not yet installed the update are also ________________. 

The virus may attack again. All the hackers have to do to launch a new cyberattack is to _______________________ in WannaCry, then release ________________________.


How to protect your data against future cyberattacks

You can protect yourself against future cyberattacks.

Make sure to ____________________ the latest Windows security patch to your computer. Microsoft, the maker of Windows, has now released security patches for older versions of Windows that give protection against WannaCry. For help, visit Microsoft’s page called “How to Keep Your Windows Computer Up-to-date.” 

Permit automatic Windows updates if you do not want to worry about ___________________________.

Also, make sure that you save, or _______________ your data. Do ____________________ of your data, both locally with an external drive and in the Cloud. That way you can protect your data when another cyberattack ___________________.

Be sure not to _______________________________________ or ______________________________ unless you are sure that they are not "phishing" emails from hackers. Although the WannaCry virus attack did not happen this way, others have happened this way __________.


1. were connected to the Internet
2. used Windows operating systems
3. a security patch
4. a domain name
5. spreading further
6. remain nameless
7. How to Accidentally Stop a Global Cyber Attack
8. a security hole
9. older versions
10. at risk
11. change the domain name
12. the updated virus
13. download
14. keeping your computer updated
15. back up
16. regular backups
17. takes place
18. click on links
19. download attachments in emails
20. in the past

  • 字数:323个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-09-18