练习 | Theresa May Called A Snap Election

练习 | Theresa May Called A Snap Election


BBC新闻: 特蕾莎·梅宣布提前进行大选

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


This is BBC World News, I'm Galda Hakim, the latest headlines.

In a surprised announcement the British prime minister Theresa May has said she wants to call a snap general election on June 8th. Theresa May said it was the only way to guarantee certainty and stability as Britain negotiates its withdrawal from the EU.

The United States and Japan have agreed to increase diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. But the US vice president who is in Tokyo insisted that all options remained on the table.

Australian government says it's scrapping a visa program for skilled workers in order to give more jobs to Australians.

And the conservation charity WWF is warning that almost half of World Heritage Sites designated for their importance to nature are threatened by the illegal wildlife trade and they're all related headlines.


1. Snap election: 临时选举,提前选举,仓促的大选。

A snap election is an election called earlier than expected. 

Generally it refers to an election in a parliamentary system called when not required (either by law or convention), usually to capitalize on a unique electoral opportunity or to decide a pressing issue. It differs from a recall election in that it is initiated by politicians (usually the head of government or ruling party) rather than voters, and from a by-election in that the winners will serve an entire term as opposed to the remainder of an already established term. 

Since the power to call snap elections usually lies with the incumbent, they frequently result in increased majorities for the party already in power having been called at an advantageous time; however, there have been cases of snap elections backfiring and resulting in an opposition party's winning or gaining power. As a result of the latter cases there have been occasions in which the consequences have been the implementation of fixed term elections. 

Generally speaking, the Prime Minister under such systems does not have the legal power to call an election, but rather must request the election be called by the head of state. In most countries, the head of state always grants such a request by convention.


2. on the table: (especially North American English) (of a plan, suggestion, etc. 将计划、建议等) not going to be discussed or considered until a future date 搁置

3. scrap v. (动词 + 名词短语)(常用被动态) to cancel or get rid of sth. that is no longer practical or useful 废弃;取消;抛弃;报废。例如:
They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building. 他们已被迫撤销了建筑新校舍的计划。
The oldest of the aircraft were scrapped. 最老的飞机报废了。

4. conservation n. the protection of the natural environment (对自然环境的)保护。例如:
to be interested in wildlife conservation对野生动物保护感兴趣

Fill in the blanks with the information you hear in the news.

This is BBC World News, I'm Galda Hakim, the latest headlines.

In a surprised announcement the British prime minister Theresa May has said she wants to (Q1) _________________________ on June 8th. Theresa May said it was the only way to (Q2) ____________________________ as Britain negotiates its (Q3) ________________________.

The United States and Japan have agreed to (Q4) ________________________ on North Korea to (Q5) ________________________. But (Q6) ______________ who is in Tokyo insisted that all options remained (Q7) _____________________.

Australian government says it's scrapping a visa program for (Q8) ____________________ in order to (Q9) _________________________________.

And the conservation charity WWF is warning that almost half of World Heritage Sites designated for their importance to nature are threatened by (Q10) _______________________________ and they're all related headlines.


(Q1) call a snap general election 
(Q2) guarantee certainty and stability 
(Q3) withdrawal from the EU
(Q4) increase diplomatic and economic pressure 
(Q5) abandon its nuclear program 
(Q6) the US vice president
(Q7) on the table
(Q8) skilled workers 
(Q9) give more jobs to Australians
(Q10) the illegal wildlife trade

  • 字数:53个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-09-18