练习 | A Teacher from Arctic Won the Global Teacher Prize

练习 | A Teacher from Arctic Won the Global Teacher Prize



燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写

BBC News with Jonathan Izard.

The head of US Congressional Committee on Intelligence says he has seen no evidence of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential election campaign last year. Speaking to Fox News, the Committee Chairman Devin Nunes also said there was no evidence that the former President Barack Obama had ordered wiretap surveillance of Trump Tower. On Monday, the Director of the FBI James Comey appears before the Intelligence Committee to answer evidence about whether Russia interfered in the election.

The Social Democrats in Germany have elected the former European Parliament President Martin Schulz as party leader to take on their senior coalition partners, the Christian Democrats, in the election in September. Mr. Schulz attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel's plans to cut taxes and welfare programs while boosting defense spending and pledged to resist anyone trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the European Union.

Syrian government forces have been engaged in fierce clashes with rebels on the eastern edge of Damascus. Syrian state media said militants from faction linked to Al-Qaeda used secret tunnels to launch the surprise attack.

The Brazilian President Michel Temer is holding emergency meetings with his ministers, foreign ambassadors and meat producers to discuss the country's meat industry crisis. On Friday, federal police agents closed three meat packing plants and arrested executives after discovering they had been selling rotten produce for many years.

The Hindu hardline leader has tried to reassure religious minorities in India's biggest state Uttar Pradesh after being sworn in as Chief Minister. Yogi Adityanath said his top priorities would be good governance and development for all.

The one-million-dollar Global Teacher Prize has been won by a Canadian who teaches in a school in the Arctic which can only be reached by air. Maggie MacDonnell set up life skills programs, a fitness center, and a community kitchen for her students. At the awards ceremony in Dubai, she said she wanted to address the high levels of youth suicides in her community.

BBC News.

1. collusion n. (formal, disapproving) secret agreement especially in order to do sth. dishonest or to trick people 密谋;勾结;串通。例如:
The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers. 警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。
There was collusion between the two witnesses (= they gave the same false evidence). 两个证人串通作伪证。
2. wiretap n. the use of illegal wiretaps非法进行电话窃听
wiretapping the act of secretly listening to other people's telephone conversations by attaching a device to the telephone line (用秘密连线方法)窃听电话
3. surveillance n. the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed (对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视。
observation 例如:
The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance. 警方正对嫌疑人实施不间断监视。
surveillance cameras / equipment监视摄像机 / 设备
4. coalition n. a government formed by two or more political parties working together (两党或多党)联合政府。例如:
to form a coalition组成联合政府
a two-party coalition两党联合的政府
a coalition government联合政府
5. wedge n. a piece of wood, rubber, metal, etc. with one thick end and one thin pointed end that you use to keep a door open, to keep two things apart, or to split wood or rock 楔子;三角木。 例如:
He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone. 他用锤子把楔子砸入石缝里。
(figurative) I don't want to drive a wedge between the two of you (= to make you start disliking each other). 我不想在你们俩中间挑起不和。
6. faction n. a small group of people within a larger one whose members have some different aims and beliefs to those of the larger group (大团体中的)派系,派别,小集团。例如:
rival factions within the administration政府中的对立派别
7. executive n. a group of people who run a company or an organization (统称公司或机构的)行政领导,领导层。例如:
The union's executive has / have yet to reach a decision. 工会领导层还有待作出决策。
8. priority n. something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first 优先事项;最重要的事;首要事情。例如:
(North Amercian English)You need to get your priorities straight. 你需要把个人事情的轻重缓急分清楚。
a high / low priority重点 / 非重点项目
Education is a top priority. 教育是当务之急。
Our first priority is to improve standards. 我们的头等大事是提高水平。
Financial security was high on his list of priorities. 在他的心目中,金融安全是十分重要的一环。
You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). 你需要把自己的事情分出轻重缓急。
9. address v. address (yourself to) sth. (formal) to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it 设法解决;处理;对付。例如:
Your essay does not address the real issues. 你的论文没有论证实质问题。
We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution. 我们必须设法解决交通污染问题。


Answer the following questions.

1. Why does James Comey appear before the Intelligence Committee on Monday? 
2. What did Martin Schulz promise to do?
3. According to the Syrian state media, what did the militants from faction linked to Al-Qaeda use to launch the surprise attack?
4. Why did the Brazilian President Michel Temer hold emergency meetings with his ministers, foreign ambassadors and meat producers?
5. What's Maggie MacDonnell's future plan in her community?

Fill in the blanks with the information you hear in the news.

BBC News with Jonathan Izard.

The head of US Congressional Committee on Intelligence says he has seen (1) ____________________ between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential election campaign last year. Speaking to Fox News, the Committee Chairman Devin Nunes also said there was (2) ____________________ that the former President Barack Obama had ordered wiretap surveillance of Trump Tower. On Monday, the Director of the FBI James Comey appears before the Intelligence Committee to (3) _____________________ about whether Russia interfered in the election.

The Social Democrats in Germany have elected the former European Parliament President Martin Schulz as party leader to take on their senior coalition partners, the Christian Democrats, in the election in September. Mr. Schulz attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel's plans to (4)_______________ and (5) ______________________ while (6)__________________________ and pledged to (7)__________________________________ between Germany and the European Union.

Syrian government forces have been engaged in fierce clashes with rebels on the eastern edge of Damascus. Syrian state media said militants from faction linked to Al-Qaeda used (8) _______________________ to launch the surprise attack.

The Brazilian President Michel Temer is holding (9)________________________ with his ministers, foreign ambassadors and meat producers to (10) ____________________________________. On Friday, federal police agents closed three meat packing plants and arrested executives after discovering they had been selling (11)_____________________ for many years.

The Hindu hardline leader has tried to reassure religious minorities in India's biggest state Uttar Pradesh after being sworn in as Chief Minister. Yogi Adityanath said his top priorities would be (12)___________________________ and (13) _______________________________.

The one-million-dollar Global Teacher Prize has been won by a (14)__________________ who teaches in a school in the Arctic which can only be reached by air. Maggie MacDonnell set up life skills programs, a fitness center, and a community kitchen for her students. At the awards ceremony in Dubai, she said she wanted to (15)______________________________________ in her community.

BBC News.


1. To answer evidence about whether Russia interfered in the election.
2. He pledged to resist anyone trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the European Union.
3. Secret tunnels.
4. To discuss the country's meat industry crisis.
5. To address the high levels of youth suicides.




no evidence of collusion


no evidence


answer evidence


cut taxes


welfare programs


boosting defense spending


resist anyone trying to drive a wedge


secret tunnels


emergency meetings


discuss the country’s meat industry crisis


rotten produce


good governance


development for all




address the high levels of youth suicides

  • 字数:121个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-04-18