练习 | An apology to Bernie Sanders

练习 | An apology to Bernie Sanders


An apology to Bernie Sanders







The U.S. Democratic Party’s National Convention is opened in Philadelphia with an apology to the defeated presidential hopeful senator Bernie Sanders. The mayor of Baltimore stood into the party chairwoman who resigned on Sunday after leaked emails suggested the party’s establishment worked to undermine Mr. Sanders. Barbara Platt Usher is there. One of the speakers tonight is Michelle Obama. She is the first in a line of Democratic luminaries preparing a powerful show-off party support for Hillary Clinton. But divisions have intensified again after email leaks suggesting party officials had tried to undermine her rival Bernie Sanders. The Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee has resigned but that hasn’t mollified Mr. Sanders’s supporters. He was booed this afternoon when he urged them to vote for Mrs. Clinton in order to defeat Donald Trump. He called the Republican presidential candidate a demagogue, a danger to America.


Adapted from 向桑德斯致歉




1. luminary n.one of the people most admired in a particular profession (学识等方面的)杰出人物;名人。例句:Some luminaries in the field will give key note addresses. 一些该领域的杰出人物将做出关键的演说。

2. undermine vt. If you undermine someone’s efforts or undermine their chances of achieving something, you behave in a way that makes them less likely to succeed. 破坏;损害 (某人的努力或成功的机会)。例句:The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement. 持续的战斗有可能破坏通过谈判达成协议的努力。

3. mollify vt. If you mollify someone, you do or say something to make them less upset or angry. 安抚;平息。例句:The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.展开该调查的目的主要是为了安抚那些压力集团。

4. boo vt. show displeasure, as after a performance or speech嘘;向…喝倒彩。例句:People were booing and throwing things at them. 人们发出嘘声,并朝他们扔东西。

5. demagogue n. 蛊惑民心者;煽动民情的政客。If you say that someone such as a politician is a demagogue you are criticizing them because you think they try to win people’s support by appealing to their emotions rather than using reasonable arguments. 例句:We never thought of demagoguing the event. 我们从未想过要拿此事件来蛊惑人心。




Task 1: Choose the best answer.


Question 1: Whats the news mainly about?

A. An apology to Bernie Sanders for the party’s establishment worked to undermine him.

B. The resign of the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

C. A powerful speech given by Michelle Obama to support for Hillary Clinton.

D. A speech delivered by Mr. Sanders’ to urge his supporters to vote for Mrs. Clinton.


Question 2: Whats the feeling of Mr. Sanders’s supporters?

A. Satisfied.

B. Dissatisfied.

C. Angry.

D. Different.


Question 3: Who called Donald Trump a demagogue, a danger to America?

A. Michelle Obama.

B. Bernie Sanders.

C. The mayor of Baltimore.

D. The former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.


Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the words you hear in the news.


The U.S. Democratic Party’s National Convention is opened in Philadelphia with an apology to the 1. ______________ presidential hopeful senator Bernie Sanders. The mayor of Baltimore stood into the party chairwoman who resigned on Sunday after leaked emails suggested the party’s establishment worked to 2. _____________ Mr. Sanders. Barbara Platt Usher is there. One of the 3. ____________________ tonight is Michelle Obama. She is the first in a line of Democratic 4. ____________________ preparing a powerful show-off party support for Hillary Clinton. But divisions have 5. ____________________ again after email leaks suggesting party officials had tried to undermine her 6. _________________ Bernie Sanders. The Chairwomen of the Democratic National Committee has resigned but that hasn’t 7. ___________________ Mr. Sanders’s supporters. He was 8. ___________________ this afternoon when he urged them to vote for Mrs. Clinton in order to 9. ______________________ Donald Trump. He called the Republican presidential candidate a 10. ___________________, a danger to America.




Task 1:


1. A 主旨题。根据新闻导语部分:The U.S. Democratic Party’s National Convention is opened in Philadelphia with an apology to the defeated presidential hopeful senator Bernie Sanders. The mayor of Baltimore stood into the party chairwoman who resigned on Sunday after leaked emails suggested the party’s establishment worked to undermine Mr. Sanders.可以判断,A为正确答案。


2. B 情感态度题。根据新闻主体部分句子:The Chairwomen of the Democratic National Committee has resigned but that hasn’t mollified Mr. Sanders’s supporters. 可以判断,Bernie Sanders的支持者们并不满意,所以选B。


3. B 细节题。根据新闻主体的最后三句:The Chairwomen of the Democratic National Committee has resigned but that hasn’t mollified Mr. Sanders’s supporters. He was booed this afternoon when he urged them to vote for Mrs. Clinton in order to defeat Donald Trump. He called the Republican presidential candidate a demagogue, a danger to America. 该观点是Bernie Sanders的观点,所以本题正确答案为B。


Task 2:


The U.S. Democratic Party’s National Convention is opened in Philadelphia with an apology to the 1. defeated presidential hopeful senator Bernie Sanders. The mayor of Baltimore stood into the party chairwoman who resigned on Sunday after leaked emails suggested the party’s establishment worked to 2. undermine Mr. Sanders. Barbara Platt Usher is there. One of the 3. speakers tonight is Michelle Obama. She is the first in a line of Democratic 4. luminaries preparing a powerful show-off party support for Hillary Clinton. But divisions have 5. intensified again after email leaks suggesting party officials had tried to undermine her 6. rival Bernie Sanders. The Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee has resigned but that hasn’t 7. mollified Mr. Sanders’s supporters. He was 8. booed this afternoon when he urged them to vote for Mrs. Clinton in order to 9. defeat Donald Trump. He called the Republican presidential candidate a 10. demagogue, a danger to America.

  • 字数:51个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2016-08-16