

2.5分钟 978 143wpm

How to Be Strong and Resilient

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How to Be Strong and Resilient


刘立军 供稿




Listen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.


1. What is the main reason people give up on their projects according to the text?

A. The projects are too hard.

B. They are not prepared for the difficulty of the tasks.

C. They have bad ideas about what their tasks should demand of them.

D. They don’t care about their projects.


2. How can we make people stronger according to the text?

A. By enchanting them with life full of opportunities.

B. By educating them for a nonexistent world.

C. By avoiding any suffering in life.

D. By being honest about how things tend to go.


3. What would be included in every school curriculum in a wiser society?

A. A class titled “Hell, Your Future.”

B. A class about love complexities.

C. A class about time management.

D. A class about entrepreneurship.


4. What do wise people expect according to the text?

A. They expect less humiliation.

B. They expect life to be easy.

C. They expect more things to go wrong.

D. They expect to avoid all defeats.


5. Based on the text, what is the author’s attitude towards suffering in life?

A. Suffering should be avoided at all costs.

B. Suffering is a necessary part of any worthwhile life.

C. Suffering is unnecessary and can be completely eliminated.

D. Suffering is a punishment for past mistakes.




Much of the reason why we give up far too soon, fall into despair and abandon our projects is not just because they are hard per se, but because they are harder ― far harder ― than we’d ever expected them to be. 

per se adv. 本身,就其本身而言


It isn’t necessarily difficulty that sinks us; it’s bad ideas about what a noble task should legitimately demand of us. We operate with dangerously inadequate views of what it takes for anything good to happen: of what it might take, for example, to have a moderately good relationship, to run a more or less viable business, to have a circle of friends, to be healthy, to build a home or to achieve a balanced mind. So we lose our tempers, cry and scream ― because we perceive injustices where there are in fact only encounters with entirely reasonable and predictable degrees of pain. 

viable adj可行的,可实施的


A wiser society than our own would include in every school curriculum a weekly class titled “Hell, Your Future,” which would systematically induct young people into the necessary degrees of suffering required by any worthwhile life. 

induct v. 引导


We would realize that we make people strong not by enchanting them with descriptions of a life full of opportunities, but by being honest about how things tend actually to go. It isn’t cute to educate young people for a world that doesn’t exist. Thrice-married couples would address the young on the complexities of love; cancer survivors would deliver lessons on the preciousness of time; artists and entrepreneurs would testify to the huge yet vital sacrifices required to produce results that look easy. 

enchanting adj. 迷人的,令人陶醉的

thrice n. 三次

testify v. 作证,证明


No young person should be left under the slightest illusion that fulfilling moments demand anything other than torment ― and they would, as a result, be in a far better place to attain good things one day. 

torment n折磨,痛苦


Wise people keep going not because they are braver, but because they’ve learnt to be a lot better prepared. They know that defeats and humiliation are unavoidable events, not freakish punishments. They wonder, at the close of every quiet day, why not more has gone wrong. They succeed on the basis of fully expecting everything to be just about as hard as it probably really will be.

humiliation n耻辱,羞辱

freakish adj. 反常的,异乎寻常的





1. What is the main reason people give up on their projects according to the text?

A. The projects are too hard.

B. They are not prepared for the difficulty of the tasks.

C. They have bad ideas about what their tasks should demand of them.

D. They don’t care about their projects.




2. How can we make people stronger according to the text?

A. By enchanting them with life full of opportunities.

B. By educating them for a nonexistent world.

C. By avoiding any suffering in life.

D. By being honest about how things tend to go.




3. What would be included in every school curriculum in a wiser society?

A. A class titled “Hell, Your Future.”

B. A class about love complexities.

C. A class about time management.

D. A class about entrepreneurship.


【解析】细节题。命题出处为第三段的主旨句。根据文本,在一个更明智的社会里,每个学校课程中包括一个名为Hell, Your Future的课程,所以选项A最符合。


4. What do wise people expect according to the text?

A. They expect less humiliation.

B. They expect life to be easy.

C. They expect more things to go wrong.

D. They expect to avoid all defeats.




5. Based on the text, what is the author’s attitude towards suffering in life?

A. Suffering should be avoided at all costs.

B. Suffering is a necessary part of any worthwhile life.

C. Suffering is unnecessary and can be completely eliminated.

D. Suffering is a punishment for past mistakes.




  • 时长:2.5分钟
  • 语速:143wpm
  • 来源: 2024-01-11