练习 | 如何在你涉足的领域成为专家

练习 | 如何在你涉足的领域成为专家

1.3分钟 465 184wpm

Be an Expert

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Be an Expert

刘立军 供稿




Another thing that above-average people do, is to be top-notch in whatever it is they choose to do. For example, if you want to fly an airplane, acquire the knowledge and training needed, then go a little bit further. Hone your skills, study the details about aircrafts and practice more than you have to. Work on your soft skills like communication and teamwork. Make a list of what qualities you believe someone should have to be an airplane pilot. And then develop those qualities in yourself.


By learning everything you can about whatever it is you want to do, you move into the above-average category. If you have the resources and put in the time to be the best at what you’re doing, others may look to you as a professional in your field. Read books, watch videos, take classes or talk with a mentor to find what you need to know.


Philosopher Matthew Ferrara said, “The average salesperson commission rate only matters if you are an average salesperson.”


Look above the average statistics. Look above the average expectation and you may find another level to strive for. Think about what the “above-average” numbers would look like. When you develop more skills and information, you might find yourself producing “above-average” work that reaps “above-average” benefits. 




1. top-notch adj. (informal) excellent; of the highest quality 最好的;卓越的;第一流的

2. hone v. to develop and improve something, especially a skill, over a period of time 磨练,训练(尤指技艺)。例如:His body was honed to perfection. 他把体型锻炼得十分完美。

3. mentor n. an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time 导师;顾问




Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.


1. What is the key to being above-average in something you want to do?

A. To be well-rounded in all areas.

B. To have the resources and time to be the best at what you’re doing.

C. To have a strong work ethic and self-discipline.

D. To have a positive attitude and good interpersonal skills.


2. How can you become above-average in your chosen field?

A. By being physically and mentally fit.

B. By learning everything you can about your field.

C. By having a mentor to guide you.

D. By setting realistic goals and working towards them.


3. What does the quote “The average salesperson commission rate only matters if you are an average salesperson” mean?

A. Average salespeople are the only ones who care about commission rates.

B. Only average salespeople earn commission on their sales.

C. Exceptional salespeople can negotiate higher commission rates.

D. Average commission rates are irrelevant for all salespeople.




1. What is the key to being above-average in something you want to do?

A. To be well-rounded in all areas.

B. To have the resources and time to be the best at what you’re doing.

C. To have a strong work ethic and self-discipline.

D. To have a positive attitude and good interpersonal skills.





2. How can you become above-average in your chosen field?

A. By being physically and mentally fit.

B. By learning everything you can about your field.

C. By having a mentor to guide you.

D. By setting realistic goals and working towards them.





3. What does the quote “The average salesperson commission rate only matters if you are an average salesperson” mean?

A. Average salespeople are the only ones who care about commission rates.

B. Only average salespeople earn commission on their sales.

C. Exceptional salespeople can negotiate higher commission rates.

D. Average commission rates are irrelevant for all salespeople.




  • 时长:1.3分钟
  • 语速:184wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2023-09-08