练习 | 如何准备面试?

练习 | 如何准备面试?

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How to Prepare for an Interview ?

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How to Prepare for an Interview ?

刘立军 供稿




Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but you can’t avoid them if you want a new job. That’s why preparation is so important.


Start by researching the organization. When was it established? What is its mission statement? Its USP?


Next, do a practice run. You’ll likely be nervous ahead of your interview, but it’s important not to get rattled. Create a cheat sheet of potential questions and rehearse your answers, and be sure to prepare a handful of your own questions to ask at the end.


Finally, dress to impress. Even if your interview is taking place over a video call, a clean and professional appearance will show potential employers that you take yourself and the role seriously.


For more tips on how to brush up on your interview skills, check out our website at mindtools.com.





1. nerve-wracking 极端令人头疼的,非常伤脑筋的

2. USP n. (产品、服务等的)独特卖点,与众不同之处,出众之处 The USP of a product or service is a particular feature of it which can be used in advertising to show how it is different from, and better than, other similar products or services. USP is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'Unique Selling Point'. 例如:With Volvo, safety was always the USP. 对沃尔沃而言,安全永远是其卖点。

3. rattle v. to make sb. nervous or frightened 使紧张;使恐惧。例如:He was clearly rattled by the question. 这个问题显然令他感到紧张。

4. cheat sheet n. (informal) a set of notes to help you remember important information, especially one taken secretly into an exam room 备忘纸条;(尤指考试用的)作弊纸条

5. brush up on something: to quickly improve a skill, especially when you have not used it for a time. 例如:I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville.




Read the passage. Then listen to the presentation and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but you can’t (Q1) _________ them if you want a new job. That’s why (Q2) _______________________.


Start by (Q3) ___________________________. When was it established? What is its mission statement? Its USP?


Next, (Q4) __________________. You’ll likely be nervous ahead of your interview, but it’s important not to get rattled. Create a cheat sheet of (Q5) ___________________ and rehearse your answers, and be sure to prepare a handful of (Q6) ___________________ to ask at the end.


Finally, (Q7) _______________. Even if your interview is taking place over (Q8) ____________, a clean and professional appearance will show (Q9) ____________________ that you take yourself and the role seriously.


For more tips on how to (Q10) ______________________, check out our website at mindtools.com.




Read the passage. Then listen to the presentation and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but you can’t (Q1) avoid them if you want a new job. That’s why (Q2) preparation is so important.


Start by (Q3) researching the organization. When was it established? What is its mission statement? Its USP?


Next, (Q4) do a practice run. You’ll likely be nervous ahead of your interview, but it’s important not to get rattled. Create a cheat sheet of (Q5) potential questions and rehearse your answers, and be sure to prepare a handful of (Q6) your own questions to ask at the end.


Finally, (Q7) dress to impress. Even if your interview is taking place over (Q8) a video call, a clean and professional appearance will show (Q9) potential employers that you take yourself and the role seriously.


For more tips on how to (Q10) brush up on your interview skills, check out our website at mindtools.com.


  • 时长:1.1分钟
  • 语速:136wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2021-11-05