练习 | VOA慢速:你想重返校园吗

练习 | VOA慢速:你想重返校园吗

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燕山大学 刘立军 编写


Today's we are going to school on 'Words to the Wise.' I'm Caty Weaver. Here with me in the Learning English studio is Pete Musto. Hi, Pete!

Hi, Caty. So, we got a comment on an earlier Words to the Wise program from Ahmed. He wrote: "Thank you very much for your help. I would like you to talk about curriculum and tertiary education." So, that's why we're going to school today.

That's right. And that's why it's great you are here, Pete. Pete is an education reporter for Learning English. And he is quite the scholar when it comes to university education issues.

Well, that's kind of you to say, Caty. So, I guess scholar can be our first education word to define. Uh huh. A scholar is a person who has studied a subject a lot and is knowledgeable about it as a result.

The adjectival form is scholarly. People often call research publications, scholarly journals. The Journal of American Medicine is a famous one. Experts usually write the pieces found in scholarly publications. And sometimes these experts are university professors. Now, we all know what a professor is, but there are kind of professors that confuse me. What is an adjunct professor, Pete? And, is it the same as an associate professor?

No, no, no. Adjunct mostly means part time, with no permanent tie to the college or university. The adjunct professor usually teaches just one or two classes. The teaching agreement with the school is often made individually for each course.

Oh, OK. So, an associate professor has a permanent position. These are full-time professors, and together, professors and teaching staff, make up what's called the faculty.

That's right.

So professors usually have tenure. I think that's another term we should explain, right Pete? Tenure is something professors can earn over time, right?

Oh yes. And it is important. It means permanent employment with a university. It usually provides the teacher with strong protection against dismissal. But, it's mostly common in the United States. Professors in other countries don't really have tenure.

And, of course, the word tenure is not only used for academic settings. Your tenure at a job, for example, refers to your period of service. But, when most people hear the word, they think of higher education, or what our friend Ahmed called "tertiary education." Tertiary comes from the Latin, right - for three or third?

That's right. So, university is the third part of a person's formal education. First, there is primary school, then secondary school and, finally, higher education or tertiary education.

Ahmed also used the term curriculum. Some English learners may not be familiar with that word. Curriculum is the program of study for a subject. The program of study will include many different courses.

Right. A course is a series of classes on a subject. For example, if you seek a degree in psychology, your curriculum might require courses in human behavior, personality development and cognitive psychology.

So, psychology sounds like an interesting major. A major is what we call the central academic subject of your college studies. So schools usually require students to declare their major by the end of their second year.

You are able to change your major at most universities in the United States at any point. Sometimes it can be a really good idea.


So, does all this tertiary education talk make you wish you were back on a college campus, Caty?

If you mean walking around a beautiful university's grounds... sure! But I can do without the homework, tests and papers!

Yeah, I agree with you. I think I'll just stick to academic vocabulary for now. Maybe we could even do another education Words to the Wise soon.

To be sure... many more words to cover. And we'd love for our fans to keep posting messages about what subjects they'd like to hear about.

A big thanks to Ahmed!

I'm Caty Weaver.

And I'm Pete Musto.

Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201909/594241.shtml


1. curriculum n. the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc. (学校等的)全部课程。例如:
the school curriculum学校课程
(British English) Spanish is on the curriculum. 西班牙语已纳入课程内容。
(North Amercian English) Spanish is in the curriculum. 西班牙语已纳入课程内容。
2. tertiary adj. third in order, rank or importance 第三的;第三位的;第三级的。例如:
the tertiary sector (= the area of industry that deals with services rather than materials or goods) 第三产业部门
(British English) tertiary education (= at university or college level) 高等教育
3. adjunct professor 兼职教授
4. associate adj. (often in titles 常用于头衔) of a lower rank, having fewer rights in a particular profession or organization 非正式的;准的;副的。例如:
associate membership of the European Union欧洲联盟的非正式会员身份
an associate member / director / editor准会员;副导演 / 主编
5. tenure n. the right to stay permanently in your job, especially as a teacher at a university (尤指大学教师的)终身职位,长期聘用。例如:It's still extremely difficult to get tenure. 要取得终身职位仍然极其困难。
6. dismissal n. (不可数名词, 可数名词) the act of dismissing sb. from their job; an example of this 解雇;开除;撤职。例如:
He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal. 他声称遭无理解雇,仍然希望赢得申诉。
The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman. 董事长辞职后紧接着就是解雇人员。
7. cognitive adj. (常用于名词前) connected with mental processes of understanding 认知的;感知的;认识的。例如:
a child's cognitive development儿童的认知开发
cognitive psychology认知心理学


Read the table. Then listen to the news and complete the table.






A scholar is a person who has studied a (Q1) ___________ a lot and is (Q2) ______________________ about it as a result.



Adjunct mostly means (Q3) _________, with no (Q4) ____________ tie to the college or university.


Adjunct professor

The adjunct professor usually teaches just (Q5) ____________ classes.


Associate professor

So, an associate professor has a (Q6) ___________________ position.



These are full-time professors, and together, (Q7) ____________ and ______________________, make up what's called the faculty.



Tenure is something professors can earn over time, right?

Oh yes. And it is important. It means permanent (Q8) _____________ with a university. It usually provides the teacher with strong protection against (Q9) _______________. But, it's mostly common in the United States. Professors in (Q10) _______________ don't really have tenure.



Curriculum is the program of study for a (Q11) _______________.



A course is a series of (Q12) ________________ on a subject.



A major is what we call the (Q13) _______________________ of your college studies. So schools usually require students to (Q14) ________ their major by the end of their second year. You are able to change your (Q15) _________________ at most universities in the United States at any point. Sometimes it can be a really good idea.


Read the table. Then listen to the news and complete the table.






A scholar is a person who has studied a (Q1) subject a lot and is (Q2) knowledgeable about it as a result.



Adjunct mostly means (Q3) part time, with no (Q4) permanent tie to the college or university.


Adjunct professor

The adjunct professor usually teaches just (Q5) one or two classes.


Associate professor

So, an associate professor has a (Q6) permanent position.



These are full-time professors, and together, (Q7) professors and teaching staff, make up what's called the faculty.



Tenure is something professors can earn over time, right?

Oh yes. And it is important. It means permanent (Q8) employment with a university. It usually provides the teacher with strong protection against (Q9) dismissal. But, it's mostly common in the United States. Professors in (Q10) other countries don't really have tenure.



Curriculum is the program of study for a (Q11) subject.



A course is a series of (Q12) classes on a subject.



A major is what we call the (Q13) central academic subject of your college studies. So schools usually require students to (Q14) declare their major by the end of their second year. You are able to change your (Q15) major at most universities in the United States at any point. Sometimes it can be a really good idea.

  • 时长:6.1分钟
  • 语速:127wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2019-09-24