练习 | BBC:President Trump's Official Visit to Israel

练习 | BBC:President Trump's Official Visit to Israel

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BBC: President Trump's Official Visit to Israel

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


Hello, I'm Karen Giannone with BBC World News, our top story.

President Trump starts his official visit to Israel and expresses confidence about a peace deal with the Palestinians. He became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall - one of the most sacred sites in Judaism.

And Mr. Trump kept up the focus on Iran, saying Tehran will never get its hands on nuclear weapons.

Some news to send police in the English city of Manchester have urged people to stay away from a major concert venue. Witnesses have reported hearing two loud bangs during a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande.

And this story is trending on bbc.com.

There is confusion over whether Mount Qomolangma has changed shape. It was reported as a block of steep rock and ice known as the Hillary steps had gone but that's being contradicted by two Nepalese climbers.

Adapted from特朗普出访以色列


1. the Western Wall: 哭墙又称西墙,是耶路撒冷旧城古代犹太国第二圣殿护墙的一段,也是第二圣殿护墙的仅存遗址,长约50米,高约18米,由大石块筑成。犹太教(Judaism)把该墙看作是第一圣地,教徒至该墙必须哀哭,以表示对古神庙的哀悼并期待其恢复。千百年来,流落在世界各个角落的犹太人回到圣城耶路撒冷时,便会来到这面石墙前低声祷告,哭诉流亡之苦,所以被称为“哭墙”。

2. contradict v. to say that sth. that sb. else has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true 反驳;驳斥;批驳。例如:
○All evening her husband contradicted everything she said. 整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳。
○You've just contradicted yourself (= said the opposite of what you said before). 你恰好与你以前说的自相矛盾。

Read the statements. Then listen to the news and check (√) the true or (×) false statements.

1. President Trump starts his second official visit to Israel and expresses confidence about a peace deal with the Palestinians.

2. President Trump was the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall.

3. Mr. Trump kept up the focus on Iraq, saying Tehran will never get its hands on nuclear weapons.

4. Some news to send police in the English city of Manchester have urged people to stay  in a major concert venue.

5. Policemen have reported hearing two loud bangs during a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande.

6. There is confusion over whether Mount Qomolangma has changed shape.

7. It was reported as a block of steep rock and ice known as the Hillary steps had gone but that's being contradicted by two Japanese climbers.


×1. President Trump starts his second official visit to Israel and expresses confidence about a peace deal with the Palestinians. (删掉second)

√2. President Trump was the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall.

×3. Mr. Trump kept up the focus on Iraq, saying Tehran will never get its hands on nuclear weapons. (Iraq改为Iran)

×4. Some news to send police in the English city of Manchester have urged people to stay in a major concert venue. (stay in 改为stay away from)

×5. Policemen have reported hearing two loud bangs during a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande. (Policemen 改为Witnesses)

√6. There is confusion over whether Mount Qomolangma has changed shape.

×7. It was reported as a block of steep rock and ice known as the Hillary steps had gone but that's being contradicted by two Japanese climbers. (Japanese改为Nepalese)

  • 时长:0.9分钟
  • 语速:103wpm
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-10-25