练习 | TIME Picks Donald Trump as Its 'Person of the Year'

练习 | TIME Picks Donald Trump as Its 'Person of the Year'

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TIME Picks Donald Trump as Its 'Person of the Year'
燕山大学 刘立军 编译


AZUZ: Every year since 1927, U.S. publication TIME magazine has named a Person of the Year, someone its editors say had the, quote, "greatest influence, for better or worse on the events of the year."

Most U.S. presidents have been named since the tradition started. So have some other prominent world leaders, from the widely popular, to the highly controversial, movers and shakers, doctors who helped Ebola victims, protesters and popes have all received the title. And this week, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was named TIME's Person of the Year.

The magazine's editor called the choice one of the more straightforward ones. She described Mr. Trump's appeal as, quote, "part hope, part snarl." She said he framed tomorrow's political culture by demolishing yesterday's, and said 2017 would bring in the chance to fulfill promises and defy expectations like all newly elected leaders.


1. prominent adj. important or well known 重要的;著名的;杰出的。例如:
· a prominent politician杰出的政治家
· He played a prominent part in the campaign. 他在这次运动中发挥了重要作用。
· She was prominent in the fashion industry. 她曾在时装界名噪一时。

2. controversial adj. causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement 引起争论的;有争议的。例如:
· a highly controversial topic颇有争议的话题
· a controversial plan to build a new road有争议的筑路计划
· Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures. 温斯顿·邱吉尔和理查德·尼克松都是有争议的人物。
non-controversial, uncontroversial

3. snarl v. snarl (at sb./sth.) (of dogs, etc. 狗等) to show the teeth and make a deep angry noise in the throat 龇牙低吼。例如:
· The dog snarled at us. 狗朝我们低声吼叫。
· snarl (sth.) (at sb.) to speak in an angry or bad-tempered way 咆哮着说;不耐烦地说
例如:'Get out of here!' he snarled.“滚开!”他吼道。
例如:She snarled abuse at anyone who happened to walk past. 谁碰巧走过,她就冲谁叫骂。

4. demolish v. 驳倒,推翻(某人的观点或论点) If you demolish someone’s ideas or arguments, you prove that they are completely wrong or unreasonable. 例如:
· Our intention was to demolish the rumours that have surrounded him. 我们的目的是要彻底击破围绕他的那些谣言。
· The myth that Japan is not open to concerns from outside has, I think, been demolished at a stroke. 关于日本对外界的关注不予理会的谬论,我认为,一下子就被驳倒了。

5. defy v. 违抗; 反抗; 不服从 If you defy someone or something that is trying to make you behave in a particular way, you refuse to obey them and behave in that way. 例句:
· This was the first (and last) time that I dared to defy my mother. 这是我第一次(也是最后一次) 胆敢反抗我的母亲。
· Nearly eleven-thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading. 将近有1.1万人因为违抗禁止在街上摆摊交易的禁令而被捕。


TASK 1: Decide the following statements TRUE or FALSE.

1. U.S. publication TIME magazine has named a Person of the Year since 1927 because of his or her greatest better influence on the events of the year. 
2. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was named TIME’s Person of the Year because of his greatest influence in 2016. 
3. The magazine's editor described Mr. Trump's appeal as "part hope, part snarl."
4. The magazine's editor said Mr. Trump framed tomorrow's political culture by demolishing yesterday's.
5. For Mr. Trump, the magazine's editor argued that 2017 would bring in the chance to fulfill his promises and defy expectations, just like all newly elected leaders.

TASK 2: Translate the following sentences into CHINESE.

The magazine's editor called the choice one of the more straightforward ones. She described Mr. Trump's appeal as, quote, "part hope, part snarl." She said he framed tomorrow's political culture by demolishing yesterday's, and said 2017 would bring in the chance to fulfill promises and defy expectations like all newly elected leaders.








U.S. publication TIME magazine has named a Person of the Year since 1927 because of his or her greatest better influence on the events of the year.

(原句)Every year since 1927, U.S. publication TIME magazine has named a Person of the Year, someone its editors say had the, quote, “greatest influence, for better or worse on the events of the year.”



(原句)Most U.S. presidents have been named since the tradition started. So as some other prominent world leaders, from the widely popular, to the highly controversial, movers and shakers, doctors who helped Ebola victims, protesters and popes have all received the title. And this week, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was named TIME’s Person of the Year.



(原句)The magazine’s editor called the choice one of the more straightforward ones. She described Mr. Trump’s appeal as, quote, “part hope, part snarl.”



(原句)She said he framed tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s.



(原句)2017 would bring in the chance to fulfill promises and defy expectations like all newly elected leaders.


该杂志(时代周刊)的编辑称这是一个相对明确的选择。她形容特朗普的呼吁 “有些是希望,有些只是咆哮”。她认为特朗普通过推翻昨日的政治文化来重塑未来的政治文化,像所有新当选的领导人一样,他在2017年有机会实现承诺,但也有可能事与愿违。

  • 时长:0.9分钟
  • 语速:138wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2016-12-27