Canary Islands Protest Tourism Model
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刘立军 供稿
Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
Q1. Where have the protests against mass tourism taken place?
A. Only on the Canary Islands.
B. Mainly in mainland Spain.
C. Throughout Spain, including the Canary Islands.
D. On the Canary Islands and parts of mainland Spain.
Q2. What is one of the reasons Lydia Morales joined the protests?
A. The high cost of living on the islands.
B. The lack of proper water treatment facilities.
C. Overcrowded hospitals in the south of the islands.
D. The collapse of the island’s economy.
Q3. According to Lydia Morales, what has become impossible for locals on the islands?
C. To receive hospital care in the south.
B. To receive a salary increase.
A. To afford buying a house.
D. To stop the environmental harm.
Q4. Why do the protesters want to change the current tourism model?
A. Because it only benefits the local government.
B. Because they feel it is pushing them away from their homes.
C. Because they prefer the island to be less crowded with tourists.
D. Because the current model supports wastewater treatment.
Q5. What is the main focus of the news report?
A. The economic problems faced by Canary Islanders.
B. The environmental impact of mass tourism.
C. Public demonstrations in Spain against mass tourism.
D. The need for improved infrastructure on the Canary Islands.
Canary Islands Protest Tourism Model
(Q1) In Spain, tens of thousands of people have been demonstrating across the Canary Islands against a model of mass tourism they say harms both the environment and conditions for local people. Lydia Morales told the BBC what had prompted her to join the protests.
“We have very low salaries. (Q2) We don’t have water treatment of wastewater. We don’t have hospitals in the south of the islands. The island is collapsing and (Q3) I cannot more or less, eh, even less, that to buy a house here. It’s impossible. (Q4) So we’re just feeling we’re being pushed away. We just wanna change of model.” (Q1) There have been parallel protests in parts of mainland Spain by Canary Islanders.
BBC News.
Q1. D. 细节题。文本中提到:… tens of thousands of people have been demonstrating across the Canary Islands and there have been parallel protests in parts of mainland Spain by Canary Islanders. 表明抗议活动在加那利群岛和西班牙本土的部分地区都发生了。因此答案为D。
Q2. B. 细节题。根据Lydia Morale表示:“We don’t have water treatment of wastewater…” 可以理解她参与抗议之一的原因是岛上缺乏适当的废水处理设施。故选项B正确。
Q3. C. 细节题。文本中Lydia Morales表示:“I cannot more or less, eh, even less that to buy a house here. It’s impossible.” 意思是说,对当地居民来说,购买房子已经变得不可能。这说明C选项是正确答案。
Q4. B. 推理题。尽管文本没有直接说出抗议者想要改变当前旅游模式的具体原因,但Lydia Morales的话提示了一个原因:“So we’re just feeling we’re being pushed away.” 这可以推断出抗议者认为当前的大规模旅游模式正在挤压他们,使他们无法在自己的家园正常生活。因此B选是正确的答案。
Q5. C. 主旨题。整个新闻报道集中于描述西班牙(特别是在加那利群岛及其在西班牙本土的部分地区)针对大规模旅游业的公共抗议行动。虽然报告提到了经济问题、环境影响和基础设施需求,但这些都是抗议的原因而非主要焦点。故答案为C。