新闻听力 | 巴西飞机坠毁,搜救队已找回所有遇难者遗体

新闻听力 | 巴西飞机坠毁,搜救队已找回所有遇难者遗体

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Brazil Plane Crash, All Bodies Retrieved

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Brazil Plane Crash, All Bodies Retrieved

| CET-6 偏易| 128 | 45s



Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

Q1. What is currently being done to determine the cause of the plane crash?

A. Legal proceedings.

B. An investigation.

C. A public hearing.

D. A media report.

Q2. How did witnesses describe the plane’s descent?

A. Smooth and controlled.

B. Erratic and spiraling.

C. Gradual and cautious.

D. Swift and direct.

Q3. Who are reported to be among the dead in the plane crash?

A. Tourists and business professionals.

B. Politicians and journalists.

C. Doctors, university students, and a family.

D. Pilots from another airline.

Q4. What was told about the residents in the area where the plane crashed?

A. All residents were evacuated immediately.

B. Some residents were injured in the crash.

C. Residents assisted in the rescue efforts.

D. No residents were harmed by the crash.

Q5. What was the response of the local government to the plane crash?

A. It declared a period of mourning.

B. It initiated a ban on flights over residential areas.

C. It ordered an immediate evacuation.

D. It established a fund for the victims’ families.


Brazil Plane Crash, All Bodies Retrieved

Emergency teams in Brazil have retrieved all the bodies from the site of a plane crash near the city of São Paulo. (Q1) An investigation is underway to establish the cause of the disaster.

underway adj. 正在进行中

Heres Simon Jones.

(Q2) Terrified witnesses describe seeing the plane spiraling out of control towards the ground, then bursting into flames. The aircraft came down in a residential area, killing all 58 passengers and four crew members on board. (Q3) A group of doctors, university students and four members of the same family were among the dead. (Q4) Nobody on the ground was hurt. Brazils civil aviation agency said the planes black box containing voice recordings and flight data had been recovered. (Q5) The governor of São Paulo has declared three days of mourning.  

terrified adj. 非常害怕的,惊恐的

World News from the BBC.


Q1. B. 细节题。题目出处为An investigation is underway to establish the cause of the disaster.” 意为:“调查正在进行,以确定灾难原因。”因此答案为B选项。

Q2. B. 细节题。题目出处为Terrified witnesses describe seeing the plane spiraling out of control towards the ground, then bursting into flames.” 意为:“目击者惊恐地称,看到飞机失控并且螺旋式下降,然后爆炸起火。” 根据这一描述,可以排除其他选项。因此答案为Berratic表示飞机不稳定,spiraling表示飞机螺旋式下降。

Q3. C. 细节题。题目出处为A group of doctors, university students and four members of the same family were among the dead.” 意为:“死者包括一群医生、大学生和一个家庭的四名成员。”因此答案为C

Q4. D. 推理题。题目出处为Nobody on the ground was hurt.” 意为:“地面上没有人受伤。” 从这句话我们可以推断出,坠机事件没有伤害到当地的居民,因此答案是D

Q5. A. 细节题。题目出处为The governor of São Paulo has declared three days of mourning.” 意为:“圣保罗州州长宣布为期三天的哀悼。”因此答案为A


  • 时长:0.8分钟
  • 语速:170wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-09-23