新闻听力 | 如何当好一位领导

新闻听力 | 如何当好一位领导

3.7分钟 452 134wpm

Handling the Responsibility of Becoming a Leader

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Handling the Responsibility of Becoming a Leader

| CET-6偏易| 510 | 3min44s



Listen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

Q1. What is the main subject of Mind Tools’ Video Learning Series episode discussed here?

A. Methods to improve company culture and values.

B. Techniques for effective risk and stakeholder analysis.

C. Strategies for starting strong in a new leadership position.

D. Financial management and accountability in leadership.

Q2. What is the first step mentioned to get off to a great start in a new leadership role?

A. Examining the organization's mission and vision statements.

B. Conducting stakeholder analysis.

C. Reviewing the organization's overall health.

D. Meeting with colleagues from different departments.

Q3. What tool is suggested for testing the roles and processes of an organization?

A. A performance review.

B. A risk analysis.

C. An efficiency audit.

D. A financial assessment.

Q4. According to the text, what is one of the primary purposes of conducting a stakeholder analysis?

A. To determine the company’s financial status.

B. To identify the key decision-makers and understand their motivations.

C. To evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

D. To create a detailed employee performance review.

Q5. What should leaders regularly do as part of their role according to the video?

A. Update the company’s mission and vision statements.

B. Create a schedule for regular department meetings.

C. Scan for potential problems and look for new opportunities.

D. Reassess personal connections with stakeholders.


Handling the Responsibility of Becoming a Leader

Welcome to Mind Tools’ Video Learning Series.

Are you leading a new team? Or heading up a different department? Maybe you’ve just been appointed CEO of the whole organization!

You’ll likely feel excited by the new challenges awaiting you. But you may also feel anxious and overwhelmed by the new responsibilities attached to your role. After all, if something goes wrong, the buck now stops with you!

buck n. 责任,过失

(Q1) New leaders are especially vulnerable to being caught out by difficult situations, so in this video we’ll look at seven things you can do to get your new leadership role off to a great start:

(Q2) First, examine the aims of your organization by looking through its mission and vision statements, if it has them.

Do they reflect your company’s purpose? Will they motivate your people and engage customers? If not, now’s the time to clarify or refresh it.

Now, think about what could go wrong.

(Q3) Do a risk analysis to test the roles and processes that make your organization run. Are they still viable? Do any changes need to be made? This will help you to avoid unpleasant surprises and to spot opportunities.

viable adj. 能独立发展的;能独立生存的

You’ll also need key decision-makers on your side. (Q4) A stakeholder analysis can help you to identify people who hold the real power in your firm — and what makes them tick.

tick v. 做出行为

Try to make meaningful connections with these players early on. If you can, call or meet them before your first day. Ask what problems they’re facing, but also what’s working well.

Next, review your organization to get a picture of its overall health. Look at processes, people, values, culture, and management structure — in detail. How do they relate to each other? What’s working? And what needs to change?

Also, question how robust this information is. Are financial accounts up to date? Are goals and targets appropriate? And will they motivate people? Do they tie in with the organization’s over-arching mission? And, how are you monitoring progress?

robust adj. 强劲的;富有活力的
over-arching adj. 非常重要的,首要的

Now it’s time to review the information you’ve gathered. This will help you to clarify how the reality differs from what is being planned.

Specifically, identify whether any teams are struggling with heavy workloads. What could be the cause of this? Perhaps there are bottlenecks or inefficiencies that need to be addressed.

Also, are there any outcomes that appear “too good to be true”? Does this mean that corners are being cut?

And, finally, are there any departments with high staff turnover or sickness? What could be the cause? Perhaps there’s a lack of management or a source of conflict that needs to be addressed.

turnover n. 人事变更率;人员调整率

As a leader, your work never stops. (Q5) So, build time into your schedule to scan for potential problems, find solutions in advance, and look for new opportunities.

Do this by meeting with colleagues from different departments regularly — in person or virtually. This will help you to gather regular feedback on processes, workloads and customer expectations.

If you want to learn more about taking responsibility in a new leadership role, see the article that accompanies this video.


Q1. C.主旨题。命题出处:整段视频的焦点在于 things you can do to get your new leadership role off to a great start...”意为:“……你可以做七件事,让你新官上任就有一个好的开始……”。这表明该系列教学视频的这一集主要讨论如何强势上任新领导职位的策略。

Q2. A.细节题。命题出处:First, examine the aims of your organization by looking through its mission and vision statements, if it has them.”意为:“首先,仔细查看公司的使命和愿景(如果有的话),以此审视公司的目标是否合适。”此句明确提到了担任新领导的第一步是审视与组织的使命和愿景有关的阐述。

Q3. B.细节题。命题出处:Do a risk analysis to test the roles and processes that make your organization run.” 意为:“进行一次风险分析,对保证公司运转的各种人员和流程进行测评。” 因此选B

Q4. B.细节题。命题出处:A stakeholder analysis can help you to identify people who hold the real power in your firm — and what makes them tick.”意为:“利益相关者分析可以帮助你确定你公司中真正掌握权力的人是谁,以及他们所作所为的原因是什么。”因此选B。

Q5. C.细节题。命题出处:So, build time into your schedule to scan for potential problems, find solutions in advance, and look for new opportunities.”意为:“因此,在你的日程表里安排出一定的时间用来查看潜在问题,提前寻找解决方案,并寻求新的发展机会。”因此选C


  • 时长:3.7分钟
  • 语速:134wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-07-10