新闻听力 | 人工智能是否会抢走你的饭碗

新闻听力 | 人工智能是否会抢走你的饭碗

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Will artificial intelligence take your job?

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Will artificial intelligence take your job?

| 考研 偏易 | 427 | 3min41s



Listen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

Q1. According to the IMF research, what percentage of jobs worldwide could be affected by AI?

A. 20%.

B. 40%.

C. 60%.

D. 80%.

Q2. What is one of the potential positive impacts of AI on the job market mentioned in the text?

A. AI can complement worker skills and enhance productivity.

B. AI will completely replace human workers.

C. AI will only create new jobs in high-income countries.

D. AI will make all jobs more difficult to perform.

Q3. Which of the following is a concern regarding the impact of AI on developing economies mentioned in the text?

A. Developing economies will be the first to adopt AI technology.

B. Developing economies have a surplus of high-skilled jobs.

C. Developing economies may lack the infrastructure to benefit from AI.

D. AI will not have any impact on developing economies.

Q4. According to the text, how is AI expected to impact income and wealth inequality within countries?

A. AI will equally benefit all workers, regardless of their ability to harness it.

B. Younger workers and those who can harness AI are likely to experience pay gains and increased productivity.

C. Older workers are expected to adapt easily to AI advancements.

D. Policymakers are confident that AI will reduce overall inequality.

Q5. What is the main idea of the text regarding the impact of AI on the global economy and society?

A. AI will only bring mostly positive changes to the global economy.

B. AI will lead to the extinction of all jobs.

C. AI has the potential to both improve and disrupt the global economy and society.

D. The impact of AI on the global economy will be negligible.


Will artificial intelligence take your job?

The revolutionary technology can increase productivity, boost economic growth, and lift incomes. But it may also threaten employment and widen inequality. The likely effects of AI on the global economy, as well as our lives and livelihoods, are cause for both excitement and concern. Let’s start with how it’s reshaping work.

reshape v. 重塑;改组

(Q1) IMF research shows that almost 40% of jobs worldwide could be affected by AI. In advanced economies, this share rises to 60%, posing both opportunities and risks. In some scenarios, jobs may evolve, even vanish, as AI takes on tasks traditionally performed by humans. For example, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can already handle many customer service inquiries.

(Q2) The bright side is that AI can also complement worker skills — enhancing productivity and opening up new opportunities. AI-powered algorithms can analyze medical images with precision, assisting doctors in making quicker, more accurate diagnoses. New jobs and even new industries may also arise. In most emerging markets and low-income countries, there is a smaller share of high-skilled jobs than in advanced economies. So, they will likely be less affected and will face fewer immediate disruptions from AI.

algorithm n. 算法;计算程序

(Q3) At the same time, many of these countries don’t have the infrastructure or skilled workforces needed to harness the benefits of AI. This could worsen inequality among nations.

AI could also affect income and wealth inequality within countries. (Q4) Workers who can harness AI may see pay gains or greater productivity, while those who can’t may fall behind. Younger workers may find it easier to exploit opportunities, while older workers could struggle to adapt.

In most scenarios, AI will likely worsen overall inequality, a troubling trend that policymakers must prevent.

The key question, then, is how can we ensure that these rapid gains in AI benefit everyone?

To help countries craft the right policies, the IMF has developed an ‘AI Preparedness Index’ that measures readiness in areas like digital infrastructure, human-capital and labor-market policies, innovation, and regulation. It shows that wealthier economies — like Singapore, the US, and Denmark — tend to be better equipped for AI adoption than low-income countries.

Advanced economies should expand social safety nets, invest in training workers, and prioritize AI innovation and integration. They also need to strengthen regulation to protect people from excessive risks and abuses, and build trust in these technologies.

Emerging markets and developing economies should lay a strong foundation by investing in digital infrastructure and digital training for workers.

Together, we can navigate this revolution with foresight and humanity, ensuring a prosperous, inclusive future for generations to come.

foresight n. 深谋远虑;先见之明


Q1. B.细节题。文章中提到:IMF research shows that almost 40% of jobs worldwide could be affected by AI. 意为:国际货币基金组织的研究表明,全球几乎40%的工作可能会受到人工智能的影响。 因此,正确答案是B

A.细节题。文章中提到:The bright side is that AI can also complement worker skills — enhancing productivity and opening up new opportunities. 意为:积极的一面是,人工智能也可以工人的技能形成互补——以此提高生产力并开辟新的机会。 因此,正确答案是A

C.细节题。文章中提到:…many of these countries don’t have the infrastructure or skilled workforces needed to harness the benefits of AI.意为:这些国家中,许多国家并不具备从人工智能中获益需的基础设施或熟练劳动力。 因此,正确答案是C

B.推理题。文章提到:Workers who can harness AI may see pay gains or greater productivity, while those who can’t may fall behind. Younger workers may find it easier to exploit opportunities, while older workers could struggle to adapt.意为:能够驾驭人工智能的工人可能会收入的增长或更高的生产力,而那些无法驾驭的工人可能会落后。年轻的工人可能会更容易发现机会,而年长的工人可能难以适应。因此,正确答案是B

Q5. C.主旨题。文章讨论了人工智能对全球经济和社会的双重影响,既包括提高生产力和创造新的就业机会,也包括对就业和不平等带来潜在威胁。因此,正确答案是C


  • 时长:3.7分钟
  • 语速:146wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-07-03