新闻听力 | BBC新闻:美国加大对机场废水中的病毒检测力度

新闻听力 | BBC新闻:美国加大对机场废水中的病毒检测力度

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语速:CET-6 | 词汇:六级   | 篇幅:321 | 时长:2min



Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

Q1. Which party did Mateusz Morawiecki represent in the Polish elections?

A. The opposition party.

B. The Law and Justice party.

C. A coalition of forces.

D. The European Council.

Q2. What decision was made by the Polish President Andrzej Duda regarding the formation of a new government?

A. He decided to hold another election.

B. He chose Donald Tusk to form a government.

C. He allowed the current prime minister to attempt to form a new government.

D. He mandated the coalition of forces to govern.

Q3. What expansion did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention implement in 2021 at airports?

A. They started testing for COVID-19 exclusively.

B. They initiated testing for all types of viruses.

C. They introduced mandatory quarantine for international passengers.

D. They included flu and other respiratory viruses in their surveillance.

Q4. What was the outcome of the intervention by Venezuelan troops and police in Bolivar’s prison?

A. They lost control to criminal gangs.

B. They regained control from criminal gangs.

C. They conducted negotiations with criminal groups.

D. They started an extortion operation.

Q5. Based on the report, what is the historical significance of the San Jose galleon?

A. It is considered the holy grail of shipwrecks due to its treasures.

B. It was involved in contemporary political conflicts.

C. It serves as a base for extorting operations.

D. It is part of an initiative by the Colombian president to boost tourism.


The polish president Andrzej Duda has given his ally, the conservative prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki the chance to form a new government 3 weeks after elections failed to produce a clear winner. (Q1) Mr. Morawiecki’s Law and Justice party won the most votes in the poll, but fell far short of a majority. Sarah Rainsford is in Warsaw.

“Prime minister Mr. Morawiecki is the man whose party won the most seats, but there is a coalition of forces which together has more seats and has a majority and say they’re ready to govern and they’re headed by the former head of the European Council Donald Tusk. (Q2) Now, Andrzej Duda, the president has said no. He said he’s decided that the current prime minister should have a go. Now, this either means that the governing party is stalling, and that in a couple of weeks time, simply there’ll be a failed vote of confidence and the opposition will get to try and form a government, or there are some really ferocious backstage negotiations going on right now that nobody has had a whiff of.”

coalition n. 联合;结合;联盟

stall v. 暂缓,搁置

ferocious adj. 凶猛的;残暴的;猛烈的

whiff n. 轻微征兆,迹象

(Q3) The US system of testing international airline passengers, aircraft and airport waste water for COVID-19 is being expanded to include flu and other respiratory viruses. The centers for Disease Control and Prevention began surveillance in 2021 with voluntary nasal swabbing and airport waste water sampling at seven airports.

respiratory adj. 呼吸的

surveillance n. (对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视

swab n. 拭子采集样品

(Q4) Venezuelan troops and police say they’ve regained control of a prison in the southern state of Bolivar, which had been, in effect, run by criminal gangs. The justice minister said criminal groups use the Vista Hermosa penitentiary as a base for extortion operations. The Colombian president has told government ministers to speed up efforts to remove 200 tons of gold, silver and emeralds from a Spanish ship that was sunk by the British 300 years ago. (Q5) San Jose galleon has been described as the holy grail of shipwrecks. BBC news.

penitentiary n. 监狱

extortion n. 敲诈罪

grail n. 梦寐以求的东西;圣杯


Q1. B。细节题。文本提到:Mr. Morawiecki’s Law and Justice party won the most votes in the poll... 意为:莫拉维茨基先生的法律与正义党在投票中赢得了最多的票数……”。因此可知Mateusz Morawiecki代表的是法律与正义党,所以答案是B

Q2. C。细节题。文本提到:Now, Andrzej Duda, the president has said no. He said he’s decided that the current prime minister should have a go.意为:现在,安杰伊·杜达总统已经拒绝了(对方的提议)。他说他决定应该让现任总理再试一次。因此可知,波兰总统决定让现任总理尝试组建新政府,所以答案是C

Q3. D。细节题。文章指出:The centers for Disease Control and Prevention began surveillance in 2021 with voluntary nasal swabbing and airport waste water sampling at seven airports. 并且前一句提及 being expanded to include flu and other respiratory viruses.意为:疾病控制与预防中心从2021年开始,在七个机场进行自愿鼻拭子检测和机场污水采样监测”,以及“……正在扩大,以纳入流感和其他呼吸系统病毒。 故正确答案为D,疾病控制与预防中心将监测范围扩展到了流感和其他呼吸道病毒。

Q4. B。细节题。文本中提到:Venezuelan troops and police say they’ve regained control of a prison in the southern state of Bolivar... 意为:委内瑞拉军队和警察表示,他们已经重新控制了玻利瓦尔南部州的一所监狱……”。因此,正确答案是B,委内瑞拉军队和警察从犯罪团伙手中重新控制了监狱。

Q5. A。推理题。文本最后提到:San Jose galleon has been described as the holy grail of shipwrecks.” 意为:圣何塞帆船被描述为沉船中的圣杯。这暗示了它因巨大财宝而具有历史意义,因此答案是A


  • 时长:2.0分钟
  • 语速:178wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-05-13