练习 | 气候变化严重威胁帝企鹅的生存

练习 | 气候变化严重威胁帝企鹅的生存

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Climate change is threatening the sea ice environment of Emperor penguins

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Climate change is threatening the sea ice environment of Emperor penguins

刘立军 供稿




Climate change is threatening the sea ice environment of Emperor penguins. A new study suggests that 98 percent of Emperor penguin groups may be pushed close to extinction by the year 2100. And about 70 percent of their groups will be in danger by 2050. The research was published in the journal Global Change Biology.


The United States Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced a plan to list the Emperor penguins as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Stephanie Jenouvrier is a penguin ecologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She said that Emperor penguins need secure sea ice to reproduce, to feed and to molt. Molting is the replacement of their old feathers with new ones.


The new study looked at overall warming developments and the increasing likelihood of extreme weather changes because of global warming. The study noted that extremely low levels of sea ice in 2016 led to a large reproduction failure of an Emperor penguin group in Antarctica's Halley Bay. That year, seasonal sea ice broke up before young penguins had time to develop waterproof adult feathers. About 10,000 baby birds drowned, Jenouvrier said. The group did not recover afterward.


Emperor penguins reproduce only in Antarctica during winter. Temperatures can reach minus 40 degrees Celsius, and wind speeds can reach 144 kilometers per hour. The penguins survive by gathering in groups of several thousand birds. But they cannot survive without enough sea ice.


Sarah Uhlemann is international program director at the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity. She said, "These penguins are hard hit by the climate crisis, and the U.S. government is finally recognizing that threat." The U.S. government has listed other species outside the country as threatened, including the polar bear. Polar bears live in Arctic areas and are also threatened by climate change and sea ice loss.


Emperor penguins are the world's largest penguins. There are currently between 625,000 and 650,000 of them worldwide. Placing Emperor penguins on the threatened list provides protections, such as a ban against importing them for business purposes. Possible effects on the penguins must also be studied by U.S. sea fisheries currently operating in Antarctica.


Martha Williams is principal deputy director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She said climate change affects many animal species around the world. She added, "The decisions made by policymakers today and during the next few decades will determine the fate of the Emperor penguin."


I'm Jonathan Evans.




1. Emperor penguins n. 帝企鹅,也称皇帝企鹅,是企鹅家族中个体最大的物种,一般身高在90厘米以上,最大可达到120厘米,体重可达50千克。帝企鹅在南极严寒的冬季冰上繁殖后代,雌企鹅每次产1枚蛋,雄企鹅孵蛋。雄帝企鹅双腿和腹部下方之间有一块布满血管的紫色皮肤的育儿袋,能让蛋在环境温度低达零下40摄氏度的低温中保持在舒适的36摄氏度。帝企鹅是群居性动物,每当恶劣的气候来临,它们会挤在一起防风御寒。可以潜入水底150500米,最深的潜水记录甚至可达565米。主要以甲壳类动物为食,偶尔也捕食小鱼和乌贼。

2. molt v. to lose feathers or hair before new feathers or hair grow 换羽;蜕毛




Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


1. A new study suggests that 98 percent of Emperor penguin groups may be pushed close to extinction by the year 2100.

2. About 78 percent of Emperor penguin groups will be in danger by 2050.

3. Emperor penguins need secure sea water to reproduce, to feed and to molt.

4. Emperor penguins reproduce only in Antarctica during summer and winter.

5. Emperor penguins survive by gathering in groups of several thousand birds, but they cannot survive without enough sea ice.

6. Polar bears live in Arctic areas and are also threatened by climate change and sea ice loss.

7. Emperor penguins are the world's second largest penguins.

8. Sarah Uhlemann pointed out that the decisions made by policymakers today and during the next few decades will determine the fate of the Emperor penguin.




Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


(T) 1. A new study suggests that 98 percent of Emperor penguin groups may be pushed close to extinction by the year 2100.

(F) 2. About 78 percent of Emperor penguin groups will be in danger by 2050. (正确表达)About 70 percent of Emperor penguin groups will be in danger by 2050.

(F) 3. Emperor penguins need secure sea water to reproduce, to feed and to molt.(正确表达)Emperor penguins need secure sea ice to reproduce, to feed and to molt.

(F) 4. Emperor penguins reproduce only in Antarctica during summer and winter.(正确表达)Emperor penguins reproduce only in Antarctica during winter.

(T) 5. Emperor penguins survive by gathering in groups of several thousand birds, but they cannot survive without enough sea ice.

(T) 6. Polar bears live in Arctic areas and are also threatened by climate change and sea ice loss.

(F) 7. Emperor penguins are the world's second largest penguins.(正确表达)Emperor penguins are the world's largest penguins.

(F) 8. Sarah Uhlemann pointed out that the decisions made by policymakers today and during the next few decades will determine the fate of the Emperor penguin.(正确表达)Martha Williams pointed out that the decisions made by policymakers today and during the next few decades will determine the fate of the Emperor penguin.


  • 时长:4.2分钟
  • 语速:134wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2021-11-03