The US Electoral College
林晓洁 供稿
The United States is the only country that selects its president using a system called the Electoral College. With the 2020 US presidential election becoming a hotly debated topic recently, let’s learn more about the Electoral College, including its process, significance and historical origin.
What is the Electoral College?
The Electoral College is a unique system by which the president and vice president of the United States are chosen. It was devised by the framers of the United States Constitution. The Electoral College was never intended to pick the “perfect” president, but to provide a method of election that is feasible, desirable, and consistent with a republican form of government.
How does the Electoral College work?
Every four years, the system calls for the creation of a temporary group consisting of 538 electors. Each state gets the same number of delegates as their Congressional representatives. Technically, it is these electors, but not the American people, who vote for the president. In modern elections, the first candidate to get 270 of the 538 total electoral votes wins the White House. Most States have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the Presidential candidate who wins the state's popular vote. This is also why, every so often, someone wins the presidency without winning the popular vote on a national scale.
How was the Electoral College created?
Historians have suggested a variety of reasons for the adoption of the Electoral College, including concerns about the separation of powers and the relationship between the executive and legislative branches, the balance between small and large states, slavery, and the perceived dangers of direct democracy. In fact, Electoral College is a compromise between a popular vote by citizens and a vote in Congress.
At the time of the Philadelphia convention, no other country in the world directly elected its chief executive, so the delegates were wading into uncharted territory. Further complicating the task was a deep-rooted distrust of executive power. After all, the fledgling nation had just fought its way out from under a tyrannical king and overreaching colonial governors. They didn’t want another despot on their hands.
One group of delegates felt strongly that Congress shouldn’t have anything to do with picking the president. There’re simply too many opportunities for chummy corruption between the executive and legislative branches.
Another camp was dead set against letting the people elect the president by a straight popular vote. First, they thought 18th-century voters lacked the resources to be fully informed about the candidates, especially in rural outposts. Second, they feared a headstrong “democratic mob” steering the country astray. And third, a populist president appealing directly to the people could command dangerous amounts of power.
Out of those drawn-out debates finally came with a compromise based on the idea of electoral intermediaries. These intermediaries wouldn’t be picked by Congress or elected by the people. Instead, the states would each appoint independent “electors” who would cast the actual ballots for the presidency.
But determining exactly how many electors to assign to each state was another sticking point. Here the divide was between slave-owning and non-slave-owning states. It was the same issue that plagued the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives: should or shouldn’t the Founders include slaves in counting a state’s population?
但是,每个州应该分配多少选举人票也是一个关键问题。分歧主要存在于奴隶主州和非奴隶主州,这和困扰众议院席位分配的问题是一样的: 一个州的人口该不该将奴隶算上?
The result was the controversial “Three-Fifths Compromise,” in which enslaved black people would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of allocating representatives and electors and calculating federal taxes. The compromise ensured that Southern states would ratify the Constitution and gave Virginia, home to more than 200,000 slaves, a quarter of the total electoral votes required to win the presidency.
Why does US still use the Electoral College today?
So why does the Electoral College still exist, despite its contentious origins and awkward fit with modern politics?
Fundamentally, the party in power typically benefits from the existence of the Electoral College, and the minority party has little chance of changing the system because a constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds supermajority in Congress plus ratification by three-fourths of the states. Plus, the old-school electoral system has its benefits. With the Electoral College, for example, there’s no chance of a run-off election or a protracted national recount. That will make things much easier. The complicated situation we have witnessed so far during the 2020 presidential election, however, put a question mark on the fairness and validity of the system.
1. fledgling adj. 新的;无经验的
2. despot n. 专制君主,暴君;独裁者
3. chummy adj. 亲密的;合得来的
4. populist adj. 民粹主义的
5. astray adv. 误入歧途地;迷途地
6. headstrong adj. 任性的;顽固的;刚愎的
7. intermediary n. 中间人;仲裁者;调解者
8. protracted adj. 延长的;拖延的;持久的