印度封禁 TikTok 等近 60 款中国应用程序

印度封禁 TikTok 等近 60 款中国应用程序

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India Bans Nearly 60 Chinese Apps, Including TikTok and WeChat 

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印度封禁 TikTok 等近 60 款中国应用程序


India Bans Nearly 60 Chinese Apps, Including TikTok and WeChat 


Indias government banned nearly 60 Chinese mobile apps on Monday, including TikTok, citing national security concerns, after a deadly clash between their militaries this month raised tensions between the two countries to the highest level in decades.

周一,印度政府以国家安全担忧为由,封禁了包括 TikTok 在内的近 60 款中国移动应用。本月较早前双方军队发生的一场致命冲突,将两国间的矛盾升级至数十年来最严重水平。


The fighting two weeks ago, along the disputed border between the worlds two most populous countries, left 20 Indian soldiers dead and an unknown number of Chinese casualties.

两周前,那场冲突发生在世界上人口最多的两个国家的争议边境上,导致 20 名印度士兵死亡,中国方面伤亡人数不详。


While India has vowed to retaliate, it lags far behind China in military and economic power, leaving it with few options. But Chinese telecommunication and social networking companies have long eyed Indias giant market and its enormous potential. About 50 percent of Indias 1.3 billion citizens are online.

尽管印度誓言要报复,但其军事及经济力量远不及中国,这导致印度选择不多。然而长期以来,中国电信及社交网络公司一直将眼光投向印度的庞大市场以及巨大潜力。印度 13 亿人口中的50%在上网。


In addition to TikTok, the popular video-sharing social networking platform, the banned apps include WeChat, UC Browser, Shareit and Baidu Map.

除了 TikTok 这个备受欢迎的社交网络平台,遭到封禁的应用还包括微信、UC 浏览器、茄子快传和百度地图。


Analysts say up to a third of TikToks global users are based in India.

分析人士表示,TikTok 全球用户中约有三分之一在印度。


The Chinese apps were stealing and surreptitiously transmitting users’ data in an unauthorized manner to servers which have locations outside India,” Indias Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology said in a statement Monday.

这款中国应用在“以一种未得到授权的方式,盗窃及暗中将用户数据传输至位于印度境外的服务器”,印度通信和信息技术部(Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology)在周一的一份声明中表示。


The compilation of these data, its mining and profiling by elements hostile to national security and defense of India, which ultimately impinges upon the sovereignty and integrity of India, is a matter of very deep and immediate concern which requires emergency measures,” the statement added.



The Chinese government did not immediately comment on the move, which was announced late at night in Beijing, nor did TikTok.

这一举措是在北京时间的晚间宣布的,中国政府及 TikTok 都没有第一时间发表评论。


This months border brawl was the worst violence between the two nuclear-armed countries in more than 50 years. India blamed China for provoking the clash by intruding into territory it claims high in the Himalayan mountain range. China said the incident happened on its side of the border, and that Indian troops intruded.

本月的边境斗殴是 50 多年来这两个拥核国家之间最严重的暴力事件。印度将此事归咎于中国进犯高居喜马拉雅山脉之上的印方领土,因而挑起冲突。中国表示事件发生在边境线本国一侧,是印度部队入侵。


The situation remains tense, with troop buildups on both sides of the border.



Cybersecurity analysts have warned in the past about the risks Chinese apps and telecom companies may pose, citing the countrys National Intelligence Law. The law holds Chinese companies legally responsible for providing access, cooperation or support for Chinese intelligence gathering.



The same argument has been at the center of a campaign to persuade Western countries not to allow Chinese companies to build their next-generation 5G wireless networks.

同样是这种主张,也被用于劝说西方国家禁止由中国公司建设其下一代 5G 无线网络。


Indias concerns arent overblown, they are valid,” said Christopher Ahlberg, the chief executive of Recorded Future, a cybersecurity company in Massachusetts that analyzes and collects threat intelligence.

“印度的担忧并非过分夸大,是有根据的,”记录未来(Recorded Future)公司的首席执行官克里斯托弗·阿尔伯格(Christopher Ahlberg)说。这家位于马萨诸塞州的网络安全公司从事威胁情报的分析及收集。


China would not be above using these apps for large scale data collection,” Mr. Ahlberg added. I dont expect that the government is running all these apps, but they may make an agreement with the companies that they have to cooperate once in a while. And its easy under Chinese law to require them to do so.



After a 2017 clash between Indias and Chinas militaries over another border dispute, Indian troops were forced to delete dozens of Chinese apps from their phones over national security concerns. Some of the apps Indian troops were ordered to delete then — such as Weibo, UC Browser andShareit — are among those that are now banned for the entire country.

 2017 年印度和中国军队围绕着另一场边境争端展开的冲突发生后,印度军方出于国家安全担忧被迫从他们的手机上删除了数十款中国应用。当时印度部队被要求删除的应用中的几款——比如微博、UC 浏览器和茄子快传——如今也在印度全国范围内遭禁的清单之中。


Chinese mobile app firms and other tech firms are beholden to the CCP under Chinese law, Brahma Chellaney, a former adviser to Indias National Security Council, tweeted on Monday, referring to the countrys ruling Communist Party. As extensions of the Chinese state, they pose a national security risk.

“在中国法律规定下,中国移动应用公司及其他科技企业受制于中国共产党,”印度国家安全委员会前顾问布拉马·切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney)周一发推表示。“作为中国政府的延伸,它们构成了国家安全风险。”


Mondays move comes shortly after Indias government quietly told two state-run telecommunication firms to stop using Chinese equipment and instead use local providers, according to Reuters. And in April, the government passed legislation requiring government approval for any investments from Chinese entities.

据路透社报道,周一的举措公布不久前,印度政府悄悄告知两家国有电信公司不要再使用中国设备,而是使用当地供应商。此外,在 4 月,印度政府通过了一项立法,要求任何来自中国实体的投资都需要通过政府批准。


Techno-nationalism has been in vogue in India for a while, which views data as a national asset,” said Nikhil Pahwa, the founder of MediaNama, an organization that advocates a free and open internet.

“科技民族主义在印度已经盛行一段时间了,这种民族主义将数据视为民族资产,”自由、开放互联网倡导组织 MediaNama 的创始人尼克希尔·帕瓦(Nikhil Pahwa)说。


Mr. Pahwa added that while the Indian government has had longstanding worries that Chinese companies are dominating local markets and are beating out Indian app developers, it also has national security concerns about what China does with the data it collects.



The government views Indian citizens’ data as sovereign. India has a fear of digital colonization, and has avoided signing data sharing agreements in the past,” Mr. Pahwa said.



Indias announcement highlights how technology companies are increasingly becoming entangled in broader geopolitical disputes. In China, American platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Wikipedia and many others have long been banned.



The Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has been the subject of some of the greatest scrutiny, as American authorities push allies to ban the company from building wireless networks over claims it aids the Chinese state in cyberespionage. Huawei has denied the accusations.



Since the deadly border clash earlier this month, diplomats have expected India to prevent Huawei entry into the Indian market to build a 5G network.

自本月早些时候的致命边境冲突发生以来,外交人士预期印度将阻止华为进入印度市场搭建5G 网络。


The U.S. government is investigating TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, over national security concerns. In Europe, authorities are probing the companys data-collection practices.

美国政府正出于国家安全担忧对 TikTok 展开调查,这款应用的拥有者为中国公司字节跳动。在欧洲,当局正在调查这家公司的数据收集行为。


In India, a remaining question is how the government will go about enforcing the ban announced on Monday. One option would be to pressure operators of app stores, like Apple and Google, to no longer make the services available for download. That could set off further retaliatory actions by Chinese authorities.

在印度,一个仍然存在的问题是政府将如何强制执行周一宣布的禁令。一个选择是对像是苹果(Apple)和 Google 这样的应用商店运营方施压,将这些服务下架。这将引发来自中国当局更进一步的报复。


Internet researchers have long warned that competing national interests could lead to a more fractured internet, with peoples access to certain information and services limited by their governments.


  • 时长:18.3分钟
  • 语速:1wpm
  • 来源:纽约时报 2020-08-13