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Breathing Soil, Breath-taking Moments

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The forest is displeased. Trees are wobbling, the wind is howling, and huge tufts of Earth are rising and falling as if lifted by a humongous pair of lungs pumping just below the soil.

That's certainly what it looks like in a recent video making the rounds on social media. Filmed earlier this month in a forest in Quebec, Canada, the clip shows what appears to be the Earth itself doing a deep-breathing exercise, lurching up and down with unsettling force.

It's not an earthquake. It's not an artificial scene designed for a horror movie. The real explanation is much less whimsical, and much less terrifying. Simply put, it's the wind.

Here's the scientists' explanation. During a rainstorm event, the ground becomes saturated, loosening the soil's cohesion with the roots as the wind is blowing on a tree's crown. The wind is trying to push the trees over, and as the force is transferred to the roots, the ground begins to "heave".

However, it's still dangerous and worth your concern. If the wind blows harder or lasts longer, the tree roots would likely start snapping, and the forest would start to topple.

This phenomenon is quite dramatic, yet trees actually do breathe, by replacing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) with oxygen via photosynthesis. The soil breathes, too, in a backward sort of way. Tiny microbes living underground chow down on the CO2 stored in plant roots and dead leaves, then release that CO2 back into the air. This is called soil respiration, and it's been happening a lot more in the last 25 years, thanks to climate change.

tuft: n. 丛;簇
humongous: adj. 极大的
lurch: v. 摇晃
whimsical: adj. 异想天开的
topple: v. 倾倒;跌倒

  • 时长:4.6分钟
  • 语速:4wpm
  • 来源: 2018-11-01