Retiring Retirement

Retiring Retirement

2.4分钟 1134 176wpm


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 Hakni lives in London, which has become a vibrant hub for the capital start-up culture. The area is full of entrepreneurs setting up new businesses. But this is not what you might imagine. Not every one here is in their 20s. Some of these people are launching companies just at the time in their life when they might have thought they were heading for retirement,including Jame Callack, who in her 50s, left the corporal world to set up a consultancy to predict future fashion trends.
“ I was asked to come up with an idea for a new business. I was really excited. I put a business plan together and then when I presented, I was met with a lot of negativity. It was actually incredibly liberating and it felt like the absolutely right time. My children were in university and I could work at the time I wanted to. It was incredibly challenging but also really exciting. “
“When can you retire?”
“I don’t really like the word “retirement “. I‘d like to slow down eventually when I get a bit older. But I hate the idea of suddenly one day not working and sitting with the slippers on. I think increasingly the word retirement has negative connotations and people want to do thing on their own terms rather than completely retire. And I am a creative person so I like the creative projects on the go and my work is my life so I don’t really want to give it up.”
I am David Baker and in this edition of in business, I am going to ask why people want to stay in the workforce long after their parents would retire and what challenges are facing as we enter a world where lots of people will work long into our old age?

  • 时长:2.4分钟
  • 语速:176wpm
  • 来源:互联网 2018-08-21