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Seven historic buildings on the Bund are open free to the public with online reservation required. These buildings are previously closed to public as they are still office buildings or banking offices. Now visitors are finally given the chance to step into the historic relics of Shanghai.


They are the Shanghai Municipal Archives, Shanghai Telecom Museum, Shanghai Fairmont Peace Hotel, Shanghai The Bund Historical Memorial Hall, Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and No.1 Waitanyuan. Now let's take a look at these historic buildings!


The building that houses Shanghai Municipal Archives was formerly the office building of Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, a French merchant shipping company. Designed by Minutti & Co. Architects and completed in 1936, it was one of the most modernistic buildings on the Bund for its distinctive neat style.



The often-neglected building was renovated in 2003 and the following year Shanghai Municipal Archives moved in as their new site.


This building was formerly known as the Danish Great Northern Telegraph Corporation. The neoclassical building, however, was not the company's only property in the Bund area. The original office building situates at No. 7 on the Bund. In 1921, the company moved to its new site on Avenue Edward II (now East Yan'an Road).



Currently the museum has an exhibition area of about 3,000 . The five sections display precious items throughout the entire history of Shanghai as the birthplace of Chinese telegraph and telephone services.


Shanghai Fairmont Peace Hotel, more commonly known as the Peace Hotel, was originally the Sassoon House. The building was built by Sir Victor Sassoon, of the Sassoon family, which built a Shanghai business and real estate empire in the early 20th century. His family managed extensive business holdings in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Calcutta. Sassoon House was the first high-rise building built by Victor Sassoon, and one of the first skyscrapers in the Eastern Hemisphere. It was designed by architects Palmer and Turner, with a reinforced concrete structure.



The builders followed a consistent art deco scheme, from exterior design to interior decor. The eastern facade features a pyramidal roof with steep sides, and a height of about 10 meters. The green pyramid roof is considered one of the most distinctive features of the Bund.


Shanghai The Bund Historical Memorial Hall stands right beside the People's Heroes Memorial. It is not a historic relic, though. The hall exhibits a huge number of photos of the Bund. Visitors are recommended to take a visit for a more comprehensive and critical understanding of the history of the Bund and Shanghai.


The Bank of China Building was previously the headquarters of the Bank of China. Now it houses the Shanghai Branch of the Bank of China. The 15-floor building next to Sassoon House was completed in 1927, and it has a curious story.



In the original design, this building had 34 floors and would be the highest in the Far East. However, Victor Sassoon insisted that "any house built next to my building is not allowed to be higher than the spire of the Sassoon House". Finally, the Bank of China building was cut nearly half due to municipal pressure, with a top height 1 foot lower than the nearby Sassoon House.


This magnificent building was formerly known as the HSBC Building. It served as the headquarters of the Shanghai branch of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation from 1923 to 1955.



The HSBC Building has been called "the most luxurious building from the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait". The building has a floor area of 23,415 ㎡, and was, at the time, the largest bank building in the Far East, and second largest in the world, after the Bank of Scotland building in Edinburgh.



The building exterior adopted a strict neo-classicist design, with a tripartite vertical and horizontal division. The interior was luxuriously decorated, using materials such as marble and monel. The whole building was fitted with heating and air-conditioning. The main trading hall has four columns hewn from whole blocks of marble, which was at the time unique in Asia.


Here is the Former Consulate-General of the United Kingdom, one of the oldest buildings on the Bund. The building served as the home of the Consulate-General and British Supreme Court for China until 8 December 1941 when the Japanese occupied the Shanghai International Settlement at the beginning of the Pacific War.



Now this building has been fully restored and functions as an entertaining and dining venue under Shanghai Peninsula Hotel.


  • 时长:12.9分钟
  • 语速:2wpm
  • 来源: 2018-06-15