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Once the first choice of entertainment for the nation's youth, KTV bars are now becoming the favored hangout for China's elderly.


Take Beijing for example, the 2,000 karaoke venues are slowly replacing parks as the most popular place for China's elderly to party. As the KTV opens at 10 a.m., hundreds of senior citizens rush to bag the best rooms. Many have even booked in advance.

以北京为例,全市的2000多家卡拉OK场所已经渐渐取代公园,成为老年人们最爱去的聚会地点。每天早上10点一开门,诸多守候在KTV门口的老年人就会争相涌入,占领最佳的包间。 很多人甚至会提前预定,抢得先机。

Carrying thermal flasks and bags of fruit and snacks, they will stay in the windowless rooms for the next eight hours, singing, snacking and having a good gossip.


Huang is tired after the three-hour bus trip, but relaxes as soon as she sets eyes on her old friends — six former colleagues, the oldest aged 76. As lyrics stream across the TV screen, she belts out a few of her favorite pop-tunes — first a number by well-known singer Dao Lang, then one by Taiwanese heartthrob Jay Chou.

黄女士在坐了三个小时的公交车后略显疲惫,但当她一见到她的老友们,她整个人便立刻精神了起来。黄女士的这六位老同事中,最年长的已经有76岁了。 当电视屏幕上开始滚动起歌词,黄女士就开始唱起了她的几首拿手流行歌,先是以几首刀郎的老歌开场,随后又唱起了台湾歌星周杰伦的歌曲。

China has an aging population. The number of people over 60 reached 16.7 percent of the population at the end of 2016, and by 2030 this will hit 25 percent.


In order to get the elderly out more and improve their quality of life, the China Culture & Entertainment Industry Association teamed up with the Chinese entertainment industry to launch a program called “Sunshine Entertainment, Sunset Glow.”

为了丰富广大老年群体的生活,提升生活质量,中国文化娱乐行业协会联合中国的娱乐产业先前推出了“阳光娱乐夕阳红”的项目 。 

More than 200 entertainment firms in 23 provincial regions joined the program, which offers free or discounted recreational activities such as daytime karaoke to people over 50, benefiting millions of seniors.


The program has made karaoke affordable for the elderly. A room for 10, with free coffee and water, costs under 100 yuan during the day.

这个项目使得老年人能够消费得起卡拉OK 。一间十人包房的日间场价格仅为100元,还附赠免费咖啡和饮用水。


The emergence of karaoke as an entertainment for the elderly offers a great pastime for China's aging society and a great solution for China's declining KTV industry.

在当今老龄化的社会中,KTV为老年人闲暇时刻的消遣提供了去处,同时也为正在走下坡路的KTV 产业提供了商机。

Karaoke has flourished in nearly every town and city on the Chinese mainland since it was imported from Japan in the 1990s. It is now the older generation's turn to sing.



hangout: n. 聚集处,场所

thermal flask: 保温瓶

heartthrob: n. 万人迷

pastime: n. 消遣;娱乐

  • 时长:6.1分钟
  • 语速:3wpm
  • 来源:外教社 2018-01-09