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Robotic cleaners are no longer strange to households. Turn the switch on and leave them behind when we head for work, these round-shaped robots would automatically clean the floor. But the question is, are they all qualified ones, and smart enough to clean as they should be?


Recently, Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission has conducted inspections on 25 robotic cleaners covering major brands in the market. The result, however, is divided. As a few models are quite satisfactory in their performance, while some robotic cleaners perform poorly for cleaning, noise and pollution.


They were examined for their cleaning performance, programming, flexible “walking” ability, noise and pollution. Their prices ranged from 1,088 yuan to 7,999 yuan and they were bought from online sites, department stores and home appliance shops.


The cleaners varied significantly in performances. Three machines, from Flyco, seebest and Dibea, could not complete the whole testing procedure due to breakdowns midway through. For the remaining 22, the dust cleaning performance ranged from 22.8 percent to more than 94 percent. The test was conducted in central room areas that were scattered with dust.


The commission also tested their cleaning ability at room corners, and their performances ranged from 14.5 percent to 88.9 percent. The programming ability displays the intelligent level of robotic cleaners so that samples with strong programming can cover bigger areas through navigation, mapping and route design, and reach below desks and chairs.


The commission also examined the flexible “walking” ability of the cleaners to check their reaction when there are steps, narrow passages and obstacles in their way.



To be noted, the current standard on robotic cleaners in China is not compulsory and lags behind product updates. For the consumers, robotic cleaners are not necessarily “the more expensive, the better”. It takes more to choose the model you invest in.


About Vacuum Cleaners


Vacuum cleaners were not invented after the electric power was invented. The earliest model could date back to 1860, when a manual model of vacuum cleaner was developed in Iowa, U. S.



The end of the 19th century saw the introduction of powered cleaners, while the domestic models entered household in 1905 by Walter Griffiths, a manufacturer in England. However, the early models were quite ineffective and expensive.



The modern time witnesses the impressive improvements in vacuum cleaners. USB-powered hand-held vacuum cleaners and robotic cleaners are the newest inventions of the industry.



Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission:上海消费者权益保护委员会

home appliance:家电产品,家用电器



  • 时长:7.0分钟
  • 语速:2wpm
  • 来源:外教社 2017-11-24