Yeah, we are and the question is when. I mean, nobody ultimately knows. You know, after ___________________________ and ______________________, there's certainly no such thing as certainty in British politics anymore. l Today, George Osborne - he's the former treasury secretary - he called May ____________________________. l A Conservative MP said perhaps the Conservative Party conference could have a meeting this summer to __________________________ her but she could ________________. And one of the reasons is what you just mentioned. l The Brexit negotiations are starting Monday, a week from now. Who wants to _____________________ going into such an incredibly difficult and such an incredibly important negotiation? The other thing is, does anybody want her job right now? Maybe, you know, the political calculation is to let her frankly muck around her administration, muck around in the Brexit negotiations, wait till - candidly, she probably has a lot of problems - and then ________ her. |