练习 | Halloween Candy Sales Will Reach the Highest Level in Five Years

练习 | Halloween Candy Sales Will Reach the Highest Level in Five Years

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Halloween Candy Sales Will Reach the Highest Level in Five Years

燕山大学 刘立军


This is no trick: According to financial services firm IHS, the economy could be in for a real treat this year thanks to an expected 5% boost in Halloween spending.

(Q1) That's because a year of low gas prices and better employment opportunities have helped customers feel more confident about spending their hard-earned cash. Plus, a slight dip in sugar prices have helped the cost of candy slide nearly half a percentage point.

(Q2) IHS economist Chris Christopher anticipates Halloween candy sales will reach their highest level in five years as households look to spend about $30 on sweets for trick-or-treaters:

(Christopher) "You can use this as an indicator that the holiday sales this season should be pretty good. The only little hiccup is that I think consumers will be a little more focused on holiday spending a little bit after the election."

(Q3) Christopher said while shoppers were a bit spooked by election-year politics this month, with retail discounts on the horizon for the holiday-shopping season, the fourth quarter is looking a lot less ghoulish.

Victoria Craig, FOX News.

1. trick-or-treater n. 玩"不招待就使坏"的恶作剧者。
2. hiccup n. (可数名词) (informal) a small problem or temporary delay 小问题;暂时性耽搁。例句:
There was a slight hiccup in the timetable. 时间安排上出了点小问题。
3. spook v. (informal, especially North American English) to frighten a person or an animal; to become frightened 吓;惊吓;受惊。
(动词 + 名词短语)(常用被动态) 例句:We were spooked by the strange noises and lights.那奇怪的声音和亮光把我们吓坏了。
(单独使用的动词) 例句:The horse spooked at the siren. 警报器一响,马受惊了。
4. ghoulish adj. 食尸鬼似的,残忍的。例句:
They are there only to satisfy their ghoulish curiosity. 他们去那里纯粹是为了满足其病态的好奇心。
Incessant plastic surgery and blanched skin gave him a bizarre, ghoulish look. 一次次的整形手术, 以及漂白过的皮肤, 让他看上去像食尸鬼般可怖和怪异。
This idea may stem from ghoulish novels. 这个认识可能来自恐怖小说.


QUESTION 1: What made the customers have more confidence in spending their cash this year?
(A) Both low gas prices and better employment opportunities.
(B) Either low gas prices or better employment opportunities.
(C) Low gas prices.
(D) Better employment opportunities.

QUESTION 2: Why does IHS economist Chris Christopher think that Halloween candy sales will reach their highest level in five years?
(A) Because many families will save lots of money thanks to the low gas prices.
(B) Because many families will spend about $30 on sweets for trick-or-treaters.
(C) Because many families will save lots of money thanks to better employment opportunities.
(D) Because many families will spend more than $30 on sweets for a slight dip in sugar prices.

QUESTION 3: What's the economy prospect of the fourth quarter?
(A) Stable.
(B) Decreasing.
(C) Fluctuation.
(D) Better than before. 

1. A 细节题。命题出处:That's because a year of low gas prices and better employment opportunities have helped customers feel more confident about spending their hard-earned cash.
2. B 细节题。命题出处:IHS economist Chris Christopher anticipates Halloween candy sales will reach their highest level in five years as households look to spend about $30 on sweets for trick-or-treaters.
3. D 推断题。命题出处:Christopher said while shoppers were a bit spooked by election-year politics this month, with retail discounts on the horizon for the holiday-shopping season, the fourth quarter is looking a lot less ghoulish.

  • 时长:1.0分钟
  • 语速:172wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2016-11-18