

    Unit 1

    【官方课件】 Unit 1 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 01 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 01 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 01 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 01 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 01 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Distinguishing synonymous verbs through collocations:Verb + Noun
    【官方材料】 新目标大学英语系列教材:综合教程4 综合训练 全册MP3
    【视频资源】 How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia
    【视频资源】 The beauty of being a misfit - Lidia Yuknavitch
    【视频资源】 All it takes is 10 mindful minutes - Andy Puddicombe
    【视频资源】 Claiming your Identity by understanding your self-worth
    【视频资源】 How to practice emotional first aid - Guy Winch
    【视频资源】 How to speak up for yourself - Adam Galinsky
    【视频资源】 Listening to shame - Brené Brown
    【视频资源】 The myth of self-discovery- Emily Warren
    【视频资源】 The secret to self control Jonathan Bricker
    【视频资源】 The Value of YOU. - Trista Sutter
    【视频资源】 What reality are you creating for yourself- - Isaac Lidsky
    【视频资源】 Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you - Meaghan Ramsey
    【视频资源】 How To Stop Caring What Other People Think
    【视频资源】 Gary Wolf The quantified self
    【视频资源】 Thandie Newton Embracing otherness, embracing myself
    【视频资源】 Who are you, really - The puzzle of personality - Brian Little
    【视频资源】 The power of believing that you can improve - Carol Dweck
    【视频资源】 How to Be More Confident Than Anyone You Know 5 Effective
    【视频资源】 The skill of self confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
    【视频资源】 Want to be happier- Stay in the moment
    【视频资源】 Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan
    【视频资源】 Thriving in the Face of Adversity
    【视频资源】 The Courage to Live with Crohn's Disease
    【视频资源】 The Human Spirit Is Powerful ~ Words Of Encouragement
    【视频资源】 Who am I - A Philosophical Inquiry
    【视频资源】 3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence
    【视频资源】 Standing Up for Yourself - Les Brown Speech Motivation
    【视频资源】 How to Build Self-esteem
    【视频资源】 Confidence
    【阅读资源】 Adopting a Winning Mentality

    Unit 2

    【官方课件】 Unit 2 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 02 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 02 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 02 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 02 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 02 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Distinguishing synonymous adjectives through collocations:Adjective + Noun
    【视频资源】 Carrot Cake For Dogs
    【视频资源】 Unlikely Animal Friends- Cute Lion Cub and Meerkats
    【视频资源】 Animal Best Friends- Lemurs, Kangaroos & Deer
    【视频资源】 Inside the minds of animals
    【视频资源】 This Superb Stop-Motion Film Pleads Heartbreakingly for Wildlife Conservation
    【视频资源】 Animal Rescue Team Rescues Hundreds
    【视频资源】 15 Bizarre Animal Friendships
    【阅读资源】 Meet 3 Animals Who Saved Human Children

    Unit 3

    【官方课件】 Unit 3 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 03 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 03 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 03 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 03 - Text B
    【官方音频】 Unit 03 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方微课】 Distinguishing synonymous nouns through collocations:Noun + Preposition
    【视频资源】 The warmth and wisdom of mud buildings - Anna Heringer
    【视频资源】 How architecture helped music evolve - David Byrne
    【视频资源】 Joseph DeSimone What if 3D printing was 100x faster
    【视频资源】 Neri Oxman Design at the intersection of technology and biology
    【视频资源】 Recycle Smarter than a Third Grader!
    【视频资源】 How Archaeology teaches Sustainable Architecture
    【视频资源】 What is Environmental Design
    【视频资源】 Designed for the Environment
    【阅读资源】 Architecture That Imitates Life

    Unit 4

    【官方课件】 Unit 4 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 04 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 04 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 04 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 04 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 04 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Distinguishing polysemous verbs through collocations:Verb + Noun
    【视频资源】 How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day - Tristan Harris
    【视频资源】 Top 5 New Tech & Gadgets of 2017!
    【视频资源】 Danit Peleg Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes
    【视频资源】 Joseph DeSimone What if 3D printing was 100x faster
    【视频资源】 Revolutionary Tech Could Give Sight to the Blind
    【视频资源】 Forget Wi-Fi. Meet the new Li-Fi Internet - Harald Haas - TED Talks
    【阅读资源】 Of Cyber Security and Individual Privacy

    Unit 5

    【官方课件】 Unit 5 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 05 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 05 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 05 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 05 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 05 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Distinguishing polysemous adjectives through collocations - Adjective+Noun
    【视频资源】 How to create cleaner coal - Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 Can 100% renewable energy power the world - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei
    【视频资源】 Taylor Wilson- My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors
    【视频资源】 Saul Griffith- High-altitude wind energy from kites!
    【视频资源】 Michel Laberge- How synchronized hammer strikes could generate nuclear fusion
    【视频资源】 Justin Hall-Tipping- Freeing energy from the grid
    【视频资源】 Jonathan Trent- Energy from floating algae pods
    【视频资源】 Donald Sadoway- The missing link to renewable energy
    【视频资源】 Bill Gross- Great ideas for finding new energy
    【视频资源】 Amory Lovins- A 40-year plan for energy
    【视频资源】 A small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels - Monica Araya
    【视频资源】 Renewable Energy and the Energy Transition
    【视频资源】 Renewable Energy Explained in 2 1-2 Minutes
    【视频资源】 Is There a Limit to Technological Progress?
    【视频资源】 How Do Solar Panels Work
    【视频资源】 How Things Work - What Are Renewable Resources
    【阅读资源】 100% Renewable Energy: Here's Why It's Not Happening Anytime Soon

    Unit 6

    【官方课件】 Unit 6 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 06 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 06 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 06 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 06 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 06 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Distinguishing polysemous nouns through collocations - Modifier+Noun Verb+Noun
    【视频资源】 Free falling in outer space - Matt J. Carlson
    【视频资源】 How do we study the stars - Yuan-Sen Ting
    【视频资源】 How small are we in the scale of the universe - Alex Hofeldt
    【视频资源】 How to detect a supernova - Samantha Kuula
    【视频资源】 Light seconds light years light centuries How to measure extreme distances - Yuan-Sen Ting
    【视频资源】 Should we be looking for life elsewhere in the universe - Aomawa Shields
    【视频资源】 Sunlight is way older than you think - Sten Odenwald
    【视频资源】 The first asteroid ever discovered - Carrie Nugent
    【视频资源】 The incredible collaboration behind the International Space Station - Tien Nguyen
    【视频资源】 The Sun’s surprising movement across the sky - Gordon Williamson
    【视频资源】 What light can teach us about the universe - Pete Edwards
    【视频资源】 Where does gold come from - David Lunney
    【视频资源】 Why is NASA sending a spacecraft to a metal world - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton
    【视频资源】 Why neutrinos matter - Sílvia Bravo Gallart
    【视频资源】 Will future spacecraft fit in our pockets - Dhonam Pemba
    【视频资源】 Could comets be the source of life on Earth - Justin Dowd
    【视频资源】 Could human civilization spread across the whole galaxy - Roey Tzezana
    【视频资源】 Could we actually live on Mars - Mari Foroutan
    【视频资源】 Could we survive prolonged space travel - Lisa Nip
    【视频资源】 NASA 360 - The Future of Human Space Exploration
    【视频资源】 NASA's Crazy Space Exploration Ideas
    【视频资源】 Inside Einstein's Mind: The Enigma of Space and Time - BBC Documentary
    【视频资源】 Why exploring space matters - Stephen Hawking - TEDxLondon
    【视频资源】 Sara Seager The search for planets beyond our solar system
    【视频资源】 Exploring the Dark Universe- Dark Matter
    【视频资源】 How many universes are there
    【视频资源】 Should We Be Looking for Life Elsewhere in the Universe?
    【视频资源】 Wendy Freedman This new telescope might show us the beginning of the universe
    【视频资源】 What Is Space Exploration Doing For You
    【视频资源】 The Future of Space Exploration
    【阅读资源】 Why Space Elevators Could Be the Future of Space Travel

    Unit 7

    【官方课件】 Unit 7 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 07 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 07 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 07 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 07 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 07 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Expressions related to the health and medicine
    【视频资源】 Latif Nasser The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief
    【视频资源】 Siddhartha Mukherjee Soon we'll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill
    【视频资源】 Seth Berkley The troubling reason why vaccines are made too late ... if they're made at all
    【视频资源】 The Immune System Explained I – Bacteria Infection
    【视频资源】 Top 10 Medical Technologies
    【阅读资源】 Understanding Back Pain — Diagnosis and Treatment
    【阅读资源】 Alternative View of Cosmetic Surgery
    【阅读资源】 Creativity, Often Part of a Mental Illness?

    Unit 8

    【官方课件】 Unit 8 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 08 - Listening and Speaking
    【官方音频】 Unit 08 - Text A - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 08 - Text A
    【官方音频】 Unit 08 - Text B - New Words and Others
    【官方音频】 Unit 08 - Text B
    【官方微课】 Expressions related to the environment
    【视频资源】 The carbon cycle - Nathaniel Manning
    【视频资源】 Phenology and nature's shifting rhythms - Regina Brinker
    【视频资源】 Climate change Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong
    【视频资源】 How quantum mechanics explains global warming - Lieven Scheire
    【视频资源】 Cloudy climate change How clouds affect Earth's temperature - Jasper Kirkby
    【视频资源】 Is our climate headed for a mathematical tipping point? - Victor J. Donnay
    【视频资源】 How to create cleaner coal - Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in the coal mine - William Chapman
    【视频资源】 Can wildlife adapt to climate change - Erin Eastwood
    【视频资源】 The science of smog - Kim Preshoff
    【视频资源】 How long will human impacts last - David Biello
    【视频资源】 Can 100% renewable energy power the world - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei
    【视频资源】 Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria
    【视频资源】 The case for optimism on climate change
    【视频资源】 Sylvia Earle- How to protect the oceans
    【视频资源】 Michael Pritchard- How to make filthy water drinkable
    【视频资源】 Johan Rockstrom- Let the environment guide our development
    【视频资源】 Innovating to zero! - Bill Gates
    【视频资源】 How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change
    【视频资源】 Dianna Cohen- Tough truths about plastic pollution
    【视频资源】 Aziza Chaouni- How I brought a river and my city back to life
    【视频资源】 Averting the climate crisis - Al Gore
    【视频资源】 Why I live a zero waste life - Lauren Singer
    【视频资源】 Mary Robinson Why climate change is a threat to human rights
    【视频资源】 What Is Global Warming
    【视频资源】 If Global Warming Is Real Why Is Antarctic Ice Growing
    【视频资源】 Reducing Indoor Air Pollution With Houseplants
    【视频资源】 How Waste Recycling Helps Our Planet
    【视频资源】 Recycle Smarter than a Third Grader!
    【视频资源】 Climate Change- What Do Scientists Say
    【阅读资源】 The Politics of Climate