全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程 第5册


    Unit 1

    【官方课件】 Unit 1 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 1 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 The Power of Simple Words - Terin Izil
    【视频资源】 Capturing authentic narratives - Michele Weldon
    【视频资源】 The power of a great introduction - Carolyn Mohr
    【视频资源】 Beware of nominalizations - Helen Sword
    【视频资源】 Three anti-social skills to improve your writing - Nadia Kalman
    【视频资源】 Situational Irony The opposite of what you think - Christopher Warner
    【视频资源】 Slowing down time (in writing & film) - Aaron Sitze
    【视频资源】 In on a secret That's dramatic irony - Christopher Warner
    【视频资源】 Become a slam poet in five steps - Gayle Danley
    【视频资源】 The punishable perils of plagiarism - Melissa Huseman D'Annunzio
    【视频资源】 Comma story - Terisa Folaron
    【视频资源】 Grammar's great divide The Oxford comma
    【视频资源】 How to use a semicolon - Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 When to use apostrophes - Laura McClure
    【视频资源】 How false news can spread - Noah Tavlin
    【视频资源】 When to use me myself and I- Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 How misused modifiers can hurt your writing - Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 What makes a poem … a poem - Melissa Kovacs
    【视频资源】 How to make your writing suspenseful - Victoria Smith
    【视频资源】 How many verb tenses are there in English - Anna Ananichuk
    【视频资源】 How to build a fictional world - Kate Messner
    【视频资源】 How to make your writing funnier - Cheri Steinkellner
    【视频资源】 How to use rhetoric to get what you want - Camille A. Langston
    【视频资源】 How to write descriptively - Nalo Hopkinson
    【视频资源】 A poetic experiment_ Walt Whitman, interpreted by three animators - Justin Moore
    【视频资源】 Billy Collins_ Two poems about what dogs think (probably)
    【视频资源】 Brian Dettmer_ Old books reborn as intricate art
    【视频资源】 Does 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' have a hidden message_ - David B. Parker
    【视频资源】 Everything you need to know to read 'Frankenstein' - Iseult Gillespie
    【视频资源】 Everything you need to know to read Homer's 'Odyssey' - Jill Dash
    【视频资源】 How did Dracula become the world's most famous vampire_ - Stanley Stepanic
    【视频资源】 How science fiction can help predict the future - Roey Tzezana
    【视频资源】 How to design a library that makes kids want to read _ Michael Bierut
    【视频资源】 Mining literature for deeper meanings - Amy E. Harter
    【视频资源】 Ron McCallum_ How technology allowed me to read
    【视频资源】 Stephen Burt_ Why people need poetry
    【视频资源】 The evolution of the book - Julie Dreyfuss
    【视频资源】 The hilarious art of book design _ Chip Kidd
    【视频资源】 The world’s most mysterious book - Stephen Bax
    【视频资源】 What makes something 'Kafkaesque'_ - Noah Tavlin
    【视频资源】 Why should you read James Joyce's 'Ulysses'_ - Sam Slote
    【视频资源】 Why should you read 'Macbeth'_ - Brendan Pelsue
    【视频资源】 Why should you read Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'_ - Brendan Pelsue
    【视频资源】 Why should you read Virginia Woolf_ - Iseult Gillespie
    【视频资源】 What does your handwriting reveal about your personality
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary in reading
    【视频资源】 Words, Not Ideas How to Write a Book - Mattie Bamman
    【视频资源】 Why I read a book a day (and why you should too) the law of 33%
    【视频资源】 What books should I read to improve my English
    【视频资源】 Top 10 Bestselling NOVELS of All TIME
    【视频资源】 Mac Barnett Why a good book is a secret door
    【视频资源】 Kids should write now - Teodora Buzea
    【视频资源】 How to Choose the Right Books to Read
    【视频资源】 How and Why We Read
    【视频资源】 Can a computer write poetry - Oscar Schwartz
    【视频资源】 The Science Behind Reading Speed
    【视频资源】 The Huge Misconception About Reading
    【视频资源】 Is Speed Reading A Real Thing
    【视频资源】 Wisdom From Great Writers on Every Year of Life
    【视频资源】 3 Books Every Student Should Read
    【视频资源】 18 Great Books You Probably Haven't Read
    【视频资源】 Read More Books- 7 Tips for Building a Reading Habit
    【视频资源】 Benefits Of Reading
    【视频资源】 Everything You Need to Write a Poem
    【阅读资源】 The Power of Engaged Reading
    【阅读资源】 How Reading Might Make You Happier

    Unit 2

    【官方课件】 Unit 2 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 2 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Vegetarian Lunch
    【视频资源】 12 Things You Eat That Are a Lie
    【视频资源】 Why dieting doesn't usually work - Sandra Aamodt
    【视频资源】 Which Diets Actually Work
    【视频资源】 What's wrong with what we eat - Mark Bittman
    【视频资源】 What Really Happens To Your Body When You Go Vegan
    【视频资源】 Vegans on top Ori Shavit
    【视频资源】 Top 10 Vegetarian Protein Sources
    【视频资源】 Graham Hill Why I'm a weekday vegetarian
    【视频资源】 Exercise vs Diet
    【视频资源】 Eat for real change - Dr Joanna McMillan
    【视频资源】 A vegan bodybuilding experiment Joshua Knox
    【视频资源】 6 Steps to Start a Healthy Diet
    【视频资源】 What If The World Went Vegetarian
    【视频资源】 Vegan Vs Vegetarian
    【视频资源】 Vegans on Top
    【阅读资源】 "Yes We Cran": Barack Obama Pardons Thanksgiving Turkeys One Last Time

    Unit 3

    【官方课件】 Unit 3 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 3 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Morgana Bailey The danger of hiding who you are
    【视频资源】 The Problem of Moral Luck
    【视频资源】 The language of lying
    【视频资源】 Can you really tell if a kid is lying
    【视频资源】 Why Do We Lie
    【阅读资源】 Five White Lies You're Allowed To Tell At Work
    【阅读资源】 Is It Ever OK to Lie to Patients?
    【阅读资源】 The Wicked Prince

    Unit 4

    【官方课件】 Unit 4 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 4 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 What makes a good teacher
    【视频资源】 Getting at the heart of teaching
    【视频资源】 Every kid needs a champion
    【视频资源】 Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan
    【阅读资源】 Nerds Don't Make Good Teachers, Catholic Schools Warn

    Unit 5

    【官方课件】 Unit 5 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 5 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Can 100% renewable energy power the world - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei
    【视频资源】 How long will human impacts last - David Biello
    【视频资源】 The science of smog - Kim Preshoff
    【视频资源】 Can wildlife adapt to climate change_ - Erin Eastwood
    【视频资源】 Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in the coal mine - William Chapman
    【视频资源】 How to create cleaner coal - Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 Is our climate headed for a mathematical tipping point? - Victor J. Donnay
    【视频资源】 Cloudy climate change How clouds affect Earth's temperature - Jasper Kirkby
    【视频资源】 How quantum mechanics explains global warming - Lieven Scheire
    【视频资源】 Climate change_ Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong
    【视频资源】 Phenology and nature's shifting rhythms - Regina Brinker
    【视频资源】 The carbon cycle - Nathaniel Manning
    【视频资源】 Why Climate Change Is a Threat to Human Rights - Mary Robinson - TED Talks
    【视频资源】 We need nuclear power to solve climate change - Joe Lassiter
    【视频资源】 Vicki Arroyo- Let's prepare for our new climate
    【视频资源】 The inside story of the Paris climate agreement - Christiana Figueres
    【视频资源】 Nicholas Stern- The state of the climate — and what we might do about it
    【视频资源】 James Hansen- Why I must speak out about climate change
    【视频资源】 Gavin Schmidt- The emergent patterns of climate change
    【视频资源】 Climate Change Is Happening. Here's How We Adapt - Alice Bows-Larkin - TED Talks
    【视频资源】 Bjorn Lomborg- Global priorities bigger than climate change
    【视频资源】 A provocative way to finance the fight against climate change - Michael Metcalfe
    【视频资源】 What Happens If All The World’s Ice Melts
    【视频资源】 If Global Warming Is Real Why Is Antarctic Ice Growing
    【视频资源】 Anote Tong My country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together
    【视频资源】 What Is Global Warming
    【视频资源】 Mary Robinson Why climate change is a threat to human rights
    【阅读资源】 In the 1930s Many Ignored Hitler; Now, It's Global Warming

    Unit 6

    【官方课件】 Unit 6 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 6 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 War & Human Nature
    【视频资源】 Was the Civil War About Slavery
    【视频资源】 American Civil War- History Key Figures and Battles
    【阅读资源】 Lessons From The Civil War 150 Years Later: U.S. Should Stop Killing People Without Good Reason

    Unit 7

    【官方课件】 Unit 7 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 7 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Online Gambling- The Risks of Internet Casino Gambling
    【视频资源】 Medical Facts Behind Gambling Addiction
    【视频资源】 A simple way to break a bad habit
    【视频资源】 How Casinos Trick You Into Gambling More
    【阅读资源】 Teen Addiction to Online Gambling

    Unit 8

    【官方课件】 Unit 8 PPT课件
    【官方音频】 Unit 8 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Technology hasn't changed love. Here's why - Helen Fisher
    【视频资源】 Alec Soth and Stacey Baker This is what enduring love looks like
    【视频资源】 US Supreme Court Strikes Down Bans on Interracial Marriage
    【视频资源】 What you don't know about marriage
    【视频资源】 What Makes a Marriage Last
    【视频资源】 The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage Equality
    【阅读资源】 13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

    Test Yourself (Units 1-4)

    【官方音频】 Test Yourself (Units 1-4) Audio Track

    Test Yourself (Units 5-8)

    【官方音频】 Test Yourself (Units 5-8) Audio Track