共有 777 条搜索结果
    VOA慢速:测体温能保证工作场所的安全吗燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Businesses in the United States are opening up after closures ordered by health and other officials because of the coronavirus crisis. Many employers and emp...
    BBC新闻:受疫情影响英国经济萎缩燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】People in England who can't do their jobs from home are being encouraged to return to work today as the government begins to ease its coronavirus lockdown. But ...
    【TRANSCRIPT】On April 22nd, more than 190 countries, including the United States, will celebrate Earth Day. It is a day to reflect on the impact humans have on the earth, and to demonstrate and reaffir...
    【TRANSCRIPT】When Friday, you're in high school, they wanta senior superlative for mostly likely to be awesome. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10. Thank you for spending part of your Friday with us. School is a...
    【TRANSCRIPT】Ding Dong. Friday's at the door and even though it's keeping its social distance it's still delivering awesome. I'm Carl Azuz delivering your Friday edition of CNN 10. We're starting at th...
    VOA慢速:为何专家只字不提食物中的冠状病毒Why Health Experts Aren't Warning about Coronavirus in Food燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Chicken with salmonella bacteriacan make you sick. Other foods with E. coli bacteria or noroviru...
    BBC新闻:桑德斯退出2020年美国大选 拜登将决战特朗普燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】BBC news with Gareth Barlow.Britain has recorded its worst daily figure to datefor hospital patients with coronavirus who have died, 938. The number...
    BBC新闻:特朗普暂停资助世卫组织燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】BBC news with Stewart Macintosh. The head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he regrets president Trump's moves to suspend the Ame...
    BBC新闻:武汉解封燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】BBC news with David Harper. The lockdownhas been lifted in Wuhan in China's Hubei province, where the coronavirus pandemicstarted. Train road and rail connections have...
    BBC新闻:非洲医疗系统面临挑战燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Hello, I'm Eileen McHugh with the BBC news. The International Committee of the Red Cross is warning that health care systems across Africa could collapse under t...
    BBC新闻:全球新冠肺炎死亡病例超过10万例燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】BBC news with Stewart Macintosh. The number of confirmed deaths from coronavirus around the world has now passed 100,000. Italy has suffered the most death...
    VOA常速:疫情期间的网课燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Roshen Jamal is in class right now in her bedroom.It is very useful for us because we couldn't finish all subjects at school, and now we are completing them with th...
    【TRANSCRIPT】Experts seem to agree: If you are not a health care worker, do not buy N95 masks, long considered the best of protective masks.They will not help you much, and they are in extremely short ...
    VOA慢速:哈里梅根宣布退出英国王室Harry and Meghan's Decision to Step Back燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have announced they will step back from senior positions in the royal family...
    VOA常速:走近攀岩燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Really, I think I was born to be an off-width climber. That was what my body was designed for. And clearly it was what my personality was designed for, because it requ...