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    VOA慢速:天气会影响户外的新冠病毒传播吗?燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Does weather affect the spread of the coronavirus outside a building, in the open air? Not really, experts say. The World Health Organization (WHO) says th...
    VOA常速:英国成为第5个死亡人数超过5万的国家燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】This is VOA news. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd.As the number of coronavirus infections and deaths continues to rise in the United States, several ...
    VOA慢速:养成学习英语的习惯燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】 Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, many people have had to change their habits, or usual ways of doing things.Some people who used to go to school no...
    VOA慢速:更多美国人为了健康而节食燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】More Americans say they are on a special diet compared with Americans about 10 years ago. That information comes from a report released this week by the U.S. C...
    BBC新闻:五分之二的植物面临灭绝燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】BBC News, hello, I'm Gareth Barlow. President Trump and his Democratic Party challenger, Joe Biden, are beginning their first television debate ahead of the ele...
    VOA慢速:教师用不同方式教授语言和交际课程燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】How can teachers best lead language classes, special education classes, or communication classes while protecting themselves and their students? This fall,...
    AP News一分钟新闻:中国驻联合国大使驳斥美国恶意攻击燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】This is AP News Minute.China's ambassador to the United Nations ZhangJun said the U.S. should be held responsible for its "irresponsible behavior" i...
    AP News一分钟新闻:美国儿童感染病例增加燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】This is AP News Minute.The American Academy of Pediatrics says 10% of US coronavirus cases are in children, up from 2% in April. It says the rates among c...
    AP News一分钟新闻:美国大学校园疫情爆发式增长燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】This is AP News Minute.Hurricane Sally is approaching the Mississippi-Alabama state line, with landfall expected late Tuesday or early Wednesday. The s...
    CNN新闻:美国有52%的年轻人与父母同住燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】More than half of all the young adults in America are now living with their parents.This is according to a new report by the Pew Research Center, an organiz...
    VOA慢速:NASA公布2024年登月计划燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】The American space agency, NASA, has released its latest plan to place the first humans on the moon since 1972. The updated information on the Artemis missi...
    BBC新闻:多国签署新冠疫苗全球计划燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.More than 150 countries representing nearly two thirds of the global population have signed up to a global scheme for...
    BBC新闻:拜登指责特朗普在新冠病毒问题上撒谎燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】BBC news, I'm John Shea.The Democratic contender for the U.S. presidency Joe Biden has said Donald Trump knowingly and willingly lied to the American peop...
    AP News一分钟新闻:印度单日新增新冠确诊病例逾6万燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】This is AP News Minute.The first night of the Republican National Convention included dire warnings about what would happen to the United States if J...
    AP News一分钟新闻:疫情阴影下法国小学迎来开学季燕山大学 刘立军 供稿【TRANSCRIPT】This is AP News Minute.President Donald Trump is refusing to condemn the shooting suspect accused of killing two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Speakin...