练习 | 汽车制造巨头遇困难

练习 | 汽车制造巨头遇困难

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刘立军 供稿




One of the world's biggest carmakers has called on the British government to renegotiate part of the Brexit deal, warning that otherwise there could be significant job losses in its UK operations. Stellantis makes Vauxhall, Peugeot, Citroen, and Fiat. It had planned to open two Vauxhall plants in the UK but now says it will be unable to meet that commitment as our business editor Faisal Islam reports. 


The giant said those investments were predicated on meeting the strict terms of the post-Brexit free trade deal that from next year, 45% of the value of an electric car should originate in the UK or EU to qualify for trade without tariffs. We are now unable to meet these rules, the company states, after the surge in raw materials costs during the pandemic and energy crisis. Our request to government is to gain agreement with the EU to maintain the current rules until 2027. If not from next year, trade between the UK and EU would be subject to 10% tariffs making exports uncompetitive.





1. commitment n. a thing that you have promised or agreed to do, or that you have to do 已承诺(或同意)的事;不得不做的事。例如:He made a commitment to pay the rent on time. 他保证按时付房租。

2. originate v. to happen or appear for the first time in a particular place or situation 起源;发源;发端于。例如:The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics. 这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。

3. tariff n. a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 关税




Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.


1. What is the main concern of Stellantis according to the passage?

A. Brexit deal would affect its production.

B. Surge in raw materials costs affected its investments.

C. The company failed to meet the rules of post-Brexit free trade deal.

D. Vauxhall plants cannot be opened in the UK.


2. What was Stellantis' original plan for the UK operations?

A. To invest in Peugeot, Citroen, and Fiat plants in the UK.

B. To open two Vauxhall plants in the UK.

C. To export electric cars without tariffs to the EU.

D. To maintain the current rules until 2027.



3. What is the consequence of UK and EU failing to maintain the current rules until 2027?

A. Stellantis will be unable to make electric cars.

B. The UK and EU will impose 10% tariffs on each other's exports.

C. Stellantis will lose its investments in Vauxhall plants in the UK.

D. The UK will become uncompetitive in the global market.




1. What is the main concern of Stellantis according to the passage?

A. Brexit deal would affect its production.

B. Surge in raw materials costs affected its investments.

C. The company failed to meet the rules of post-Brexit free trade deal.

D. Vauxhall plants cannot be opened in the UK.



【解析】 推理题。录音原文中第一句话提到,Stellantis呼吁英国政府重新谈判脱欧协议的一部分内容,并警告称,如果英国政府不这样做的话,Stellantis在英国业务中可能会出现大量裁员的问题。


2. What was Stellantis' original plan for the UK operations?

A. To invest in Peugeot, Citroen, and Fiat plants in the UK.

B. To open two Vauxhall plants in the UK.

C. To export electric cars without tariffs to the EU.

D. To maintain the current rules until 2027.



【解析】 细节题。录音原文中第三句话提到,Stellantis计划在英国开设两家沃克斯豪尔(Vauxhall)工厂,但现在表示将无法履行该承诺。



3. What is the consequence of UK and EU failing to maintain the current rules until 2027?

A. Stellantis will be unable to make electric cars.

B. The UK and EU will impose 10% tariffs on each other's exports.

C. Stellantis will lose its investments in Vauxhall plants in the UK.

D. The UK will become uncompetitive in the global market.





  • 时长:1.0分钟
  • 语速:187wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2023-07-19