练习 | FOX新闻:你最喜欢哪个表情符号

练习 | FOX新闻:你最喜欢哪个表情符号

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燕山大学 刘立军 编写


America's Talking to Fox News: What's Your Favorite Emoji and why?

The laughing one, the crying from laughing... Just because I like to laugh a lot! The one with the rolling eyes, I don't know, it's cute... you can use it for anything...

The one with sunglasses because it means cool. I like the one with the straight lip, I don't know why, it's just everything... and I do it when I write.

Well, I kind of like the dog because I'd like to get a dog... The smiley face blushing, it just makes me happy.

My favorite emoji is the purple demon one because it makes it you look like your tough... I like the one with the sunglasses because it makes me feel cool when I put it on to my friends.

The 100 because I'm 100... I like the squid emoji because I think it just looks really funny.

The one with the two heart eyes... I like the thinking emoji because it's like you're thinking. My favorite emoji is definitely the face-palm. I say a lot of things that I happened to get embarrassed by, so it ends up with a face-palm.

America's Talking to Fox News.


1. Emoji n. 表情符号。emoji源于日本,是日语“绘文字”的音译,绘(e = 图片),文字(ji = 字符,moji = 文字),这种图像化的符号在1999年被开发出来并在日本流行。很快,emoji走出日本,席卷全球。 emoji的创造者是日本人栗田穰崇(Shigetaka Kurita),他将目光投向儿时的各种元素以获取灵感,如日本漫画和日本汉字等。“日本漫画中有许多不同的符号。漫画家会画出一些表情,表现一个人满头大汗或是迸发出一个想法时头上出现一个灯泡。”同时,从日本汉字中他获得了一种能力,用简单的字符来表达“秘密”和“爱”等抽象概念。

2. blush v. When you blush, your face becomes redder than usual because you are ashamed or   
embarrassed. (因害羞、窘困等) 脸红。例如:"Hello, Maria," he said, and she blushed again. 

3. demon n. an evil spirit or force魔鬼,恶魔。例如:He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon. 他在高速公路上飞速行驶,就像有魔鬼在追赶他似的。

4. embarrassed adj. A person who is embarrassed feels shy, ashamed, or guilty about something. 尴尬的。例如:He looked a bit embarrassed. 他看上去有点尴尬。


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

America's Talking to Fox News: What's Your Favorite Emoji and why?

The laughing one, the crying from laughing... Just because I like to (Q1) ________________! The one with the rolling eyes, I don't know, it's (Q2) _________________ ... you can use it for anything...

The one with sunglasses because it means (Q3) _______________. I like the one with the straight lip, I don't know why, it's just (Q4) ___________________ ... and I do it when I write.

Well, I kind of like the dog because I'd like to (Q5) _______________ ... The smiley face blushing, it just makes me (Q6) ___________________.

My favorite emoji is the purple demon one because it makes it you look like your (Q7) _______________ ... I like the one with the sunglasses because it makes me feel cool when I put it on to my friends.

The 100 because I'm 100... I like the squid emoji because I think it just looks really (Q8) ___________.

The one with the two heart eyes... I like the thinking emoji because it's like you're (Q9) _________________. My favorite emoji is definitely the face-palm. I say a lot of things that I happened to (Q10) ____________________________________, so it ends up with a face-palm.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

America's Talking to Fox News: What's Your Favorite Emoji and why?

The laughing one, the crying from laughing... Just because I like to (Q1) laugh a lot! The one with the rolling eyes, I don't know, it's (Q2) cute... you can use it for anything...

The one with sunglasses because it means (Q3) cool. I like the one with the straight lip, I don't know why, it's just (Q4) everything... and I do it when I write.

Well, I kind of like the dog because I'd like to (Q5) get a dog... The smiley face blushing, it just makes me (Q6) happy.

My favorite emoji is the purple demon one because it makes it you look like your (Q7) tough... I like the one with the sunglasses because it makes me feel cool when I put it on to my friends.

The 100 because I'm 100... I like the squid emoji because I think it just looks really (Q8) funny.

The one with the two heart eyes... I like the thinking emoji because it's like you're (Q9) thinking. My favorite emoji is definitely the face-palm. I say a lot of things that I happened to (Q10) get embarrassed by, so it ends up with a face-palm.

America's Talking to Fox News.

  • 时长:1.0分钟
  • 语速:149wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-05-31