An Ingenious Love Letter

An Ingenious Love Letter
较易 741


There once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl's father, who didn't want to see any further development of their love.

The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he was quite sure that the father would read it first. So he wrote such a letter to the girl:

My love for you I once expressed

no longer lasts, instead, my distaste for you

is growing with each passing day. Next time I see you,

I even won't like that look yours.

I'll do nothing but

look away from you. You can never expect I'll

marry you. The last chat we had

was so dull and dry that you shouldn't think it

made me eager to see you again.
  • 字数:125个
  • 易读度:较易
  • 来源:Sigi 2019-05-31