练习 | 习近平在建党百年庆祝大会上发表重要讲话

练习 | 习近平在建党百年庆祝大会上发表重要讲话

2.4分钟 1967 174wpm

Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech in the celebrations of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party

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Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech in the celebrations of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party

刘立军 供稿




Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.


President Xi Jinping has been delivering a keynote speech in Beijing at the climax of celebrations of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party. Addressing mass crowds in Tian'anmen Square, President Xi said the Communist Party had transformed the future of the Chinese people. Before the speech, mass choir sang communist anthems and military aircraft soared overhead.


The former US actor and comedian Bill Cosby has been released from prison after Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sex assult conviction. It said an agreement with the previous prosecutor should have prevented the 83-year-old from being charged. Jennifer Bonjean is Mr. Cosby's lawyer. He's obviously very happy to be home. He said his heart was beating very fast and it hadn't stopped beating really fast. He was surprised. He was actually informed of the decision by fellow inmates. Right now, he's going to lay low in terms of recuperate, enjoy some time with his family, his wife, and we'll see.


The former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has died at the age of 88. He was one of the most influential members of George W. Bush's administration after the 911 attacks. He oversaw the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Critics blamed him for the many of the failures, including the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib.


The United Nations children's agency says the economic collapse in Lebanon is putting children at risk. UNICEF says almost 1/3 of Lebanese children go to bed hungry. Sebastian Usher reports. Each day in Lebanon, the situation is worsening with prices rocketing, as the local currency falls further against the dollar, leading to violent clashes in the streets. UNICEF says that children are bearing the brunt of what is one of the worst economic collapses in recent times. UNICEF's top official in Lebanon says that some children are being sent to work in dangerous conditions as their families resort to desperate measures, which also include marrying off young daughters and selling their belongings as they spiral into poverty.


World news from the BBC.




1. centenary n. the 100th anniversary of an event 第100周年纪念。例如:The club will celebrate its centenary next year. 俱乐部明年要庆祝成立一百周年。

2. transform v. to completely change the appearance or character of sth., especially so that it is better 使改变外观(或性质);使改观。例如:It was an event that would transform my life. 那是能够彻底改变我一生的一件事。

3. anthem n. a song which has a special importance for a country, an organization, or a particular group of people and is sung on special occasions 国歌;(组织或群体的)社歌,团歌

4. inmate n. one of the people living in an institution such as a prison or a mental hospital (监狱或精神病院等处)同住者;同狱犯人;同病房者

5. recuperate v. to get back your health, strength or energy after being ill / sick, tired, injured, etc. 康复;恢复;恢复健康。例如:He's still recuperating from his operation. 他动了手术,还在恢复中。

6. brunt n. 冲击

7. spiral v. to increase rapidly 急剧增长。例如:Prices are spiralling out of control. 物价飞涨,失去控制。




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.


President Xi Jinping has been delivering (Q1) __________________ in Beijing at the climax of celebrations of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party. Addressing mass crowds in Tian'anmen Square, President Xi said the Communist Party had (Q2) ________________ the future of the Chinese people. Before the speech, mass choir sang communist anthems and military aircraft soared overhead.


The former US actor and (Q3) ____________________ Bill Cosby has been released from prison after Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sex assult conviction. It said an agreement with the previous prosecutor should have prevented the 83-year-old from being charged. Jennifer Bonjean is Mr. Cosby's lawyer. He's obviously very happy to be home. He said his heart was beating very fast and it hadn't stopped beating really fast. He was surprised. He was actually informed of the decision by fellow inmates. Right now, he's going to lay low in terms of (Q4) _____________, enjoy some time with his family, his wife, and we'll see.


The former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has died at the age of 88. He was one of the most (Q5) __________________ members of George W. Bush's administration after the 911 attacks. He oversaw the (Q6) ____________________ of Afghanistan and Iraq. Critics blamed him for the many of the (Q7) ___________________, including the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib.


The United Nations children's agency says the (Q8) _____________ in Lebanon is putting children at risk. UNICEF says almost 1/3 of Lebanese children go to bed hungry. Sebastian Usher reports. Each day in Lebanon, the situation is worsening with prices rocketing, as the (Q9) _____________ falls further against the dollar, leading to violent clashes in the streets. UNICEF says that children are bearing the brunt of what is one of the worst economic collapses in recent times. UNICEF's top official in Lebanon says that some children are being sent to work in dangerous conditions as their families resort to desperate measures, which also include marrying off young daughters and selling their belongings as they spiral into (Q10) ______________.


World news from the BBC.




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.


President Xi Jinping has been delivering (Q1) a keynote speech in Beijing at the climax of celebrations of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party. Addressing mass crowds in Tian'anmen Square, President Xi said the Communist Party had (Q2) transformed the future of the Chinese people. Before the speech, mass choir sang communist anthems and military aircraft soared overhead.


The former US actor and (Q3) comedian Bill Cosby has been released from prison after Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sex assult conviction. It said an agreement with the previous prosecutor should have prevented the 83-year-old from being charged. Jennifer Bonjean is Mr. Cosby's lawyer. He's obviously very happy to be home. He said his heart was beating very fast and it hadn't stopped beating really fast. He was surprised. He was actually informed of the decision by fellow inmates. Right now, he's going to lay low in terms of (Q4) recuperate, enjoy some time with his family, his wife, and we'll see.


The former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has died at the age of 88. He was one of the most (Q5) influential members of George W. Bush's administration after the 911 attacks. He oversaw the (Q6) invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Critics blamed him for the many of the (Q7) failures, including the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib.


The United Nations children's agency says the (Q8) economic collapse in Lebanon is putting children at risk. UNICEF says almost 1/3 of Lebanese children go to bed hungry. Sebastian Usher reports. Each day in Lebanon, the situation is worsening with prices rocketing, as the (Q9) local currency falls further against the dollar, leading to violent clashes in the streets. UNICEF says that children are bearing the brunt of what is one of the worst economic collapses in recent times. UNICEF's top official in Lebanon says that some children are being sent to work in dangerous conditions as their families resort to desperate measures, which also include marrying off young daughters and selling their belongings as they spiral into (Q10) poverty.


World news from the BBC.

  • 时长:2.4分钟
  • 语速:174wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2021-09-01