练习 | BBC新闻:特朗普不承认败选

练习 | BBC新闻:特朗普不承认败选

2.0分钟 1266 160wpm


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燕山大学 刘立军 供稿




BBC News. Hello, I'm Tom Watts. Donald Trump has warned Joe Biden against claiming victory in the US presidential election despite having done so prematurely himself. The Democratic challenger appears on the cusp of winning the key state of Pennsylvania and with it, the White House. From Washington, here's Will Grant.


There has been much to cheer for Joe Biden's supporters during the course of the day. He's overhauled the president's lead in the key swing states of Georgia and Pennsylvania. Winning the latter would be enough to give him the 270 electoral college votes he needs to become president elect. It is 32 years since Mr. Biden first launched a presidential bid. And another senior democrat, Nancy Pelosi, wasted no time in referring to him as the next president. However, Mr. Biden's supporters will have to wait at least a little longer before a win is confirmed. He is due to speak shortly and so far he has kept his message simple in his nightly addresses, urging supporters to remain patient and calm.


The Republican Party says lawyers have been deployed to four states to investigate what it claims a widespread irregularities. But some in the party have distanced themselves from Mr. Trump's unsubstantiated allegations of fraud. In Georgia, where Mr. Biden leads by a slim margin, and a recount is likely. The top election official, the Republican Brad Raffensperger said everything was being done to ensure the results were accurate and fair.


“The stakes are high and the emotions are high on all sides. We will not let those debates distract us from our work. We will get it right and we will defend the integrity of our elections. If any member of the public raises legitimate concerns, we'll investigate those. We are committed to doing anything in everything to maintaining trust in our electoral process here for every Georgian.”


Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/202011/620501.shtml




1. premature adj. happening or made too soon 草率的;仓促的。例如:a premature conclusion / decision / judgement 草率的结论 / 决定 / 判断

2. cusp n. (technical) a pointed end where two curves meet (术语)两曲线相交的尖点;会切点;交点。例如:the cusp of a leaf 叶尖

3. overhaul v. to come from behind a person you are competing against in a race and go past them 赶上;超过(赛跑对手)。例如:He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap. 他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。

4. unsubstantiated adj. (formal) not proved to be true by evidence 未经证实的;未被证明的。例如:an unsubstantiated claim / rumour, etc. 未经证实的说法、传言等

5. allegation n. a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing sb. of doing sth. that is wrong or illegal (无证据的)说法;指控。例如: allegations of dishonesty against him 关于他不诚实的多种说法

6. fraud n. the crime of cheating sb. in order to get money or goods illegally 欺诈罪;欺骗罪。She was charged with credit card fraud. 她被控告信用卡欺骗罪。

7. integrity n. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles 诚实正直。例如:to behave with integrity 行为诚实正直

8. legitimate adj. allowed and acceptable according to the law 合法的;法律认可的;法定的。例如:the legitimate government of the country 这个国家的合法政府




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


BBC News. Hello, I'm Tom Watts. Donald Trump has warned Joe Biden against (Q1) ____________ in the US presidential election despite having done so prematurely himself. The Democratic challenger appears on the cusp of winning the key state of Pennsylvania and with it, the White House. From Washington, here's Will Grant.

There has been much to (Q2) _____________________ for Joe Biden's supporters during the course of the day. He's overhauled the president's lead in the key swing states of Georgia and Pennsylvania. Winning the latter would be enough to give him the 270 electoral college votes he needs to become president elect. It is 32 years since Mr. Biden first launched a (Q3) _____________________________. And another senior democrat, Nancy Pelosi, wasted no time in referring to him as the next president. However, Mr. Biden's supporters will have to wait at least a little longer before a win is confirmed. He is due to speak shortly and so far he has kept his message simple in his nightly (Q4) __________________, urging supporters to remain (Q5) _____________.


The Republican Party says lawyers have been deployed to four states to (Q6) __________________ what it claims a widespread irregularities. But some in the party have distanced themselves from Mr. Trump's unsubstantiated allegations of (Q7) _____________. In Georgia, where Mr. Biden leads by a slim margin, and a recount is likely. The top election official, the Republican Brad Raffensperger said everything was being done to ensure the results were (Q8) _________________. 

"The stakes are high and the emotions are high on all sides. We will not let those debates (Q9) _____________________ us from our work. We will get it right and we will defend the integrity of our elections. If any member of the public raises legitimate concerns, we'll investigate those. We are committed to doing anything in everything to maintaining (Q10) __________________ in our electoral process here for every Georgian."




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


BBC News. Hello, I'm Tom Watts. Donald Trump has warned Joe Biden against (Q1) claiming victory in the US presidential election despite having done so prematurely himself. The Democratic challenger appears on the cusp of winning the key state of Pennsylvania and with it, the White House. From Washington, here's Will Grant.

There has been much to (Q2) cheer for Joe Biden's supporters during the course of the day. He's overhauled the president's lead in the key swing states of Georgia and Pennsylvania. Winning the latter would be enough to give him the 270 electoral college votes he needs to become president elect. It is 32 years since Mr. Biden first launched a (Q3) presidential bid. And another senior democrat, Nancy Pelosi, wasted no time in referring to him as the next president. However, Mr. Biden's supporters will have to wait at least a little longer before a win is confirmed. He is due to speak shortly and so far he has kept his message simple in his nightly (Q4) addresses, urging supporters to remain (Q5) patient and calm.


The Republican Party says lawyers have been deployed to four states to (Q6) investigate what it claims a widespread irregularities. But some in the party have distanced themselves from Mr. Trump's unsubstantiated allegations of (Q7) fraud. In Georgia, where Mr. Biden leads by a slim margin, and a recount is likely. The top election official, the Republican Brad Raffensperger said everything was being done to ensure the results were (Q8) accurate and fair

"The stakes are high and the emotions are high on all sides. We will not let those debates (Q9) distract us from our work. We will get it right and we will defend the integrity of our elections. If any member of the public raises legitimate concerns, we'll investigate those. We are committed to doing anything in everything to maintaining (Q10) trust in our electoral process here for every Georgian."


  • 时长:2.0分钟
  • 语速:160wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2021-01-08