大学英语(第三版)精读 第2册

    作者:董亚芬 翟象俊 王德明 张增健 赵建 夏国佐
    1  选文:题材广泛、体裁多样、语言规范优美,并注重趣味性、知识性和可思性。2 练习:词汇练习环环相扣,重视词汇复现率;针对句型结构、常用词组和搭配、特殊用法等有专题讲解和训练,帮助学生学习地道准确的英语;对学生在四、六级考试中常犯的语言错误专门设计了用法练习。3 写作:强调微观与宏观的写作技能同时发展。

    Unit 1

    【官方课件】 Unit 1
    【官方音频】 Unit 1 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Brains - Men vs Women
    【视频资源】 Elizabeth Nyamayaro An invitation to men who want a better world for women
    【视频资源】 Michael Kimmel Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
    【视频资源】 Sheryl Sandberg Why we have too few women leaders
    【微课资源】 【2016微课大赛】A Glimpse of American and Chinese Education 南京邮电大学

    Unit 2

    【官方课件】 Unit 2
    【官方音频】 Unit 2 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Abraham Lincoln
    【视频资源】 How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump
    【视频资源】 Top 10 Presidents of the USA
    【视频资源】 Thomas Jefferson & His Democracy
    【阅读资源】 Lincoln's Humor

    Unit 3

    【官方课件】 Unit 3
    【官方音频】 Unit 3 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 There's no shame in taking care of your mental health - Sangu Delle
    【视频资源】 Don't suffer from your depression in silence - Nikki Webber Allen
    【视频资源】 Courage is contagious - Damon Davis
    【视频资源】 Job Interview Tips & Etiquette
    【视频资源】 Regina Hartley Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume
    【视频资源】 Scott Dinsmore How to find work you love
    【视频资源】 20 Tips to Ace Any Job Interview!
    【视频资源】 Common Interview question and answers - Job Interview Skills
    【视频资源】 What Discrimination Looks Like In America

    Unit 4

    【官方课件】 Unit 4
    【官方音频】 Unit 4 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Do the Nobel Prizes Still Make Sense in the 21st Century
    【视频资源】 The Nobel Prize Explained- 13 Interesting Facts
    【视频资源】 How Einstein's Brain Is Different Than Yours
    【视频资源】 Inside Einstein's Mind: The Enigma of Space and Time - BBC Documentary

    Unit 5

    【官方课件】 Unit 5
    【官方音频】 Unit 5 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 A provocative way to finance the fight against climate change - Michael Metcalfe
    【视频资源】 Bjorn Lomborg- Global priorities bigger than climate change
    【视频资源】 Climate Change Is Happening. Here's How We Adapt - Alice Bows-Larkin - TED Talks
    【视频资源】 Gavin Schmidt- The emergent patterns of climate change
    【视频资源】 James Hansen- Why I must speak out about climate change
    【视频资源】 Nicholas Stern- The state of the climate — and what we might do about it
    【视频资源】 The inside story of the Paris climate agreement - Christiana Figueres
    【视频资源】 Vicki Arroyo- Let's prepare for our new climate
    【视频资源】 We need nuclear power to solve climate change - Joe Lassiter
    【视频资源】 How to FLY A SPACESHIP to the SPACE STATION
    【视频资源】 What Is Global Warming
    【视频资源】 If Global Warming Is Real Why Is Antarctic Ice Growing
    【视频资源】 Climate Change- What Do Scientists Say
    【视频资源】 Mary Robinson Why climate change is a threat to human rights
    【视频资源】 The Amazon River

    Unit 6

    【官方课件】 Unit 6
    【官方音频】 Unit 6 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 How Doctors Tell Patients They're Dying
    【视频资源】 A Day in the Life of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeons
    【阅读资源】 Principles of Medical Ethics
    【阅读资源】 Can a Doctor or Nurse Refuse to Treat Someone If They Morally Object?

    Unit 7

    【官方课件】 Unit 7
    【官方音频】 Unit 7 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 We've stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers - Rachel Botsman
    【视频资源】 Onora O'Neill What we don't understand about trust
    【视频资源】 3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence
    【视频资源】 Thriving in the Face of Adversity
    【视频资源】 Alix Generous How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's
    【视频资源】 Nadine Burke Harris How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

    Unit 8

    【官方课件】 Unit 8
    【官方音频】 Unit 8 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Is Honesty Always the Best Policy
    【视频资源】 Vulnerable honesty-TEDx
    【视频资源】 I Wanna Be a Doctor
    【阅读资源】 What's Wrong with Cheating
    【微课资源】 【2016微课大赛】How to Avoid Plagiarism in the Paper Writing 江苏大学

    Unit 9

    【官方课件】 Unit 9
    【官方音频】 Unit 9 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Success at School vs Success in Life
    【视频资源】 How to Stop Nagging and Start Teaching
    【视频资源】 The magic of QR codes in the classroom - Karen Mensing
    【视频资源】 What are Universities for_
    【视频资源】 What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion - Conor Neill
    【视频资源】 Why We Only Learn When We Repeat
    【视频资源】 Why Love and Teaching Belong Together
    【视频资源】 Steps to becoming a teacher
    【视频资源】 What makes a good teacher
    【视频资源】 What Do Top Students Do Differently?
    【视频资源】 Why Are College Students So Stressed

    Unit 10

    【官方课件】 Unit 10
    【官方音频】 Unit 10 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 The Human Spirit Is Powerful ~ Words Of Encouragement
    【视频资源】 Standing Up for Yourself - Les Brown Speech Motivation
    【视频资源】 Morgana Bailey The danger of hiding who you are

    Test Yourself 1

    【官方音频】 Test Yourself 1 Audio

    Test Yourself 2

    【官方音频】 Test Yourself 2 Audio